Supporting World Class University program, IPM Department has many research trees

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FKG UNAIR’s Oral Medicine team during an oral mucosa examination at the Anugrah Elderly Integrated Health Service Post (Posyandu) assisted by the Jagir Health Community Center Surabaya. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – As one of the quality departments within the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga (FKG UNAIR), the Department of Oral Medicine (IPM) has many research trees in the field of oral diseases. The department, which has produced many scientific publications, oversees one study program, Specialist Dental Education (PPDGS) for Oral Diseases.

Adiastuti Endah Parmadiati, drg., M.Kes., Sp.PM (K), the Head of the Department, explained the department carried out many research, such as on citrus lemons and coconut shell liquid smoke for the treatment of oral lesions, HIV / AIDS manifestations in the oral cavity therapy, as well as the diagnosis and oral therapy for potentially malignant lesions.

“Furthermore, we are also developing neuro-regeneration therapy and therapy for oral cavity lesion manifestations in the elderly, considering that the problem of cavities and tooth loss will be the main problem faced by the elderly,” Adiastuti said.

With the promotion of many research programs, Prof. Dr. Diah Savitri Ernawati, one of the department staff, won an award as the best researcher in 2020 at FKG UNAIR. She was ranked 133rd with an H-index of 14 as the best researcher in Indonesia based on the Science and Technology Index (SINTA).

Adiastuti further explained that apart from being active in the field of research, the department is also active in community service. The IPM Department has a program and collaboration with the Jagir Health Community Center in Surabaya for the elderly empowerment at the Elderly Integrated Health Service Post fostered by the health center. Furthermore, the department collaborates with several communities in Surabaya to provide education and oral examinations for patients with HIV/AIDS.

“We carry out counseling and treatment activities regarding various disorders commonly found in the oral cavity of the elderly. With this program, hopefully, the quality of life and oral health of the elderly in Surabaya will be better,” she said.

Then, continued Adiastuti, the department also has a routine program in the form of seminars scheduled every year. In 2018 the department held a national seminar on Oral Medicine called Oral Medicine in General (OMG). Then in 2019, the department took Stress-Related Oral Disease as the theme. The seminar discussed various oral cavity disorders related to stress.

“We carried out all the seminars by inviting various experts from Universitas Airlangga and foreign universities,” she said.

Then Adiastuti said the department has produced many outstanding graduates in their fields, such as Dr. Maharani Laillyza Apriasari, drg., SpPM, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, and Herlambang Prehananto, drg., SpPM who serves as Vice Dean 2 of the Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences Kediri.

Asked about the department’s future challenges, Adiastuti and staff are currently preparing the Sub-specialist Study Program and increasing the number of doctoral graduates and oral disease specialists and consultants.

“Currently, two staff are undergoing doctoral education and two people undergoing oral disease specialist education,” she concluded.

Author: Adelya Salsabila Putri

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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