UNAIR NEWS- Self healing is basically an effort to heal inner wounds. Although various efforts have been made, sometimes not all inner wounds are healed. So, how do self-healing ideally be done?
In this regard, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Psychology expert, Dr. Primatia Yogi Wulandari, M. Si gave her explanation. The lecturer said that self-healing is actually a technique or intervention carried out when psychological problems/disorders occur. So, self-healing is needed when there are thoughts or feelings that interfere with daily activities and daily functions.
“For example, when we feel that things are getting boring; frequent loss of concentration; or anxiety that sometimes has no clear source. We can also detect it from the body’s signals that are physical, such as easily tired; physical complaints with no obvious cause; or trouble of sleeping,” said Dr. Primatia or Mima during interview online on Thursday, June 8, 2021.
In the form of activity, self-healing can be done in various ways such as relaxation through breathing; contemplation with meditation or yoga, and creating positive emotions that will have an impact on the emergence of endorphins or often called ‘happy hormones’.
Furthermore, art-therapy can also be a solution. Individuals can use art to release and express their emotions.
Mima said that humans actually have the ability to carry out a natural healing process. However, there are people who find it a bit difficult to heal on their own.
In this case, she continued that self-healing can be assisted by professionals such as psychologists. The client will be accompanied to find his personal strength in order to be ‘healed’.
“These types of people need direct assistance because they will feel comfortable if there are clear suggestions or instructions on what to do, without having to do a reflection process,” explained Mima.
Reflection is a very important thing that needs to be done during self-healing. It is a process of interpreting their experience.
Through the process of reflection, she said, a person can recognize negative thoughts and feelings. Then accept these things as something that really exists without trying to reject or avoid them.
“For example, receiving information about being sick, the death of a family member, and other facts. This acceptance is very important in order to make individual calmer with their situation and their surrounding environment,” emphasized Mima
Meanwhile, regarding being ‘healed’, according to Mima, this condition can be achieved when the individual has understood, accepted the ‘disturbing’thoughts, feelings, and they felt comfortable to perform their daily functions and activities. Although there may be changes in some aspects as a consequence of the adaptation process from the previous conditions.
“Every individual has internal potentials to find ways fulfilling their personal needs. The point is, the one who knows about us is ourselves,” concluded Mima. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia (AC/AP)