UNAIR NEWS –The increasing cases of Covid-19 did not dampen the enthusiasm of three students of the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga (FKp UNAIR) to participate in Kampus Mengajar (Campus Teaches) activities for the Freedom of Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program. They are Fara Amalia Riadini, who serves at SDI Nurul Huda Bekasi, Nisa Anindya at SD Tri Tunggal IV Surabaya, and Erlina Nurhayati at SD Negeri Sekar 1 Bojonegoro. The placement was adjusted to the domicile of each student.
In joining the program, they managed to pass the selection from tens of thousands of applicants as the program was for students from the undergraduate program in all majors and had taken at least four semesters with a minimum GPA of 3.5.
The Kemdikbud Ristek breakthrough program has several activities, a briefing held online from March 15 to March 21, 2021, continued with student deployments from March 22 to June 25, 2021, and ended with the dismissal of students on June 26, 2021.
During deployment, the activities carried out depended on the initial planning after making observations. Fara Amalia Riadini or Fara explained that she applied the Learn and Play method based on the Pancasila student profile while teaching at SDI Nurul Huda Bekasi.
“Besides teaching, we also make donations that are useful for completing school facilities and infrastructure,” she said during an interview on July 10, 2021.
On the other hand, Nisa Anindya or Nisa helped students to review and understand some of the material given previously through games or quizzes to avoid students’ boredom.
“I initiated it because during the monitoring on the first day of teaching, the students did not understand the lesson delivered in class. So I want to strengthen their understanding of the lesson,” she said.
Meanwhile, Erlina Nurhayati or Erlina carried out Go Green activities, adapting technology and learning while playing. The introduction of technology she did was the introduction of zoom meetings and google meet in each class.
“Because of this pandemic, learning is not optimal, and finally at the end of the study session, I review the subjects with fun games,” she said.
Asked about their motivation to join the program, they wanted to improve the education system in Indonesia; then they also wanted to help Indonesian students to study amid many limitations that they experience.
They were very impressed with the teachers and the students who accepted their presence with open arms. The students also have a high spirit of learning with good manners, even in small things.
At the end, they hoped that other students can follow this program to benefit those who are left behind in the field of education. They also hoped that there will be innovation from students to improve Indonesian education, especially in the 3T region (Outermost, Remote, and Disadvantaged).
“The benefits of this activity are felt by parents, who found it difficult to teach their children with online method during the pandemic, and elementary school students during Covid can still get the spirit of learning and continue to develop,” concluded Fara.
Author: Adelya Salsabila Putri
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia