Understanding industrial automation systems with renewable energy and AI

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The webinar entitled “Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Technology and Industrial Automation Systems in New Normal Era” by Students of Automation Instrumentation System Class of 2019 and 2020 Universitas Airlangga on Friday, June 18, 2021 (Photo: Moch Rachman Halim)
The webinar entitled “Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Technology and Industrial Automation Systems in New Normal Era” by Students of Automation Instrumentation System Class of 2019 and 2020 Universitas Airlangga on Friday, June 18, 2021 (Photo: Moch Rachman Halim)

UNAIR NEWS – Insights on Renewable Energy and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic and Computer Vision were given to students of Automation Instrumentation System program. A webinar on “Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Technology and Industrial Automation Systems in New Normal Era” was held on Friday, June 18, 2021 by students of the Automation Instrumentation System Class of 2019 and 2020 Universitas Airlangga.

In his speech, the Lecturer of the Faculty of Vocational Studies of Automation Instrumentation System D3(Three Year Vocational Program) Program, Riky Tri Yunardi, S.T., M.T., said that it is important to understand renewable energy and artificial intelligence, especially in the current rapid development of technology.

Aji Akbar Firdaus, S.T., M.T., as the first speaker, explained that artificial intelligence is defined as the intelligence of scientific entities. Such systems are generally considered as computers. In particular, the systems involve inserting artificial intelligence into a machine (computer) so it can do work like humans can.

“Many have succeeded in making artificial intelligence into machines (computers, ed). The examples are online games, servant robots, soccer robots, basketball robot arms, chess robot arms, and many more,” he said.

Three perspectives

There are three perspectives of artificial intelligence: Intelligence, Business, and Programming Perspective.

“The intelligence perspective is defined as a substitute for human work while the business perspective refers to using tools to solve business problems,” he said.

“And, the programming perspective can be deemed as the problem solver by using symbols and the search processing,” he added.

Then, some examples of renewable energy use are solar cells or photovoltaic (PV), which can convert the sun’s heat into electrical energy. PV is very suitable to be developed in Surabaya, Indonesia.

“Because Indonesia is located around the equator which has two seasons: the rainy and dry season. And, the power produced by PV is very dependent on temperature and radiation from the sun’s heat,” he said.

Next, Riky Tri Yunardi, S.T., M.T., the second speaker, explained the vision of robotics and computers, the mechatronic applications in the manufacturing industry such as Smart Material Transportation using logistics automation, centralized material control, people in the loop – automation, lean processes, stock and inventory control.

“The scope of the robot or machine industry is often used to help humans’ work, including robots or machines that can move goods from one place to another,” he said.

Riky added that the computer-integrated manufacturing process is integrated with assembly, manufacturing processes, planning, and monitoring production and equipment in the industrial world.

“This computer integrated manufacturing process is an approach in manufacturing fields with computers to control the entire production process. Therefore, production becomes very fast and easy. It is run by integrating software (computer programs) and hardware (production machines),” he said.

Besides, there is Intelligent Visual Inspection. This system is intended to carry out visual quality control in the manufacturing industry and forecasting processes related to material/goods defects.

“For example, it differentiates ripe tomatoes from rotten tomatoes by using color sensors of the tomatoes,” he said.

At the end, Riky hoped that all students would have more knowledge regarding the development of the latest technology issues. Hence, the development and deepening of the field of information systems can be carried out, especially to develop the nation.

Author: Moch Rachman Halim

Editor: Feri Fenoria (YA/AP)

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