FTMM webinar, responding to the rise of cyber threats phenomena in Indonesia

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UNAIR NEWS – The advancement of civilization supported by the rapid development of information technology brings several impacts and challenges for every nation. For instance, the internet gives birth to cyberspace.

In response, the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM) Universitas Airlangga, as a form of the fourth pillar, held a National Seminar with the theme “Strengthening Cyber ​​Security Toward Indonesian 5.0 Society.” This seminar aims to provide education and room for discussion regarding the cutting-edge solutions presented directly by the experts.

Prof. Dr. Retna Apsari, Vide Dean III of FTMM, explained that this event invited competent speakers in their fields. There were Marine Colonel (K) dr RM Tjahja Nurrobi, M.Kes, Sp.OT (K) Hand (Orthopedist and traumatologist), Ruben Hattari (Head of Public Policy at Facebook Indonesia & Timor Leste), and Yutika Amelia Effendi, S. Kom., M. Kom (Lecturer of Robotics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence FTMM UNAIR).

“This event will be opened directly by Prof. Dr. Dwi Setyawan, S.Si., M.Si., Apt. as the Dean of FTMM and chaired by Dr. Retno Sari., M.Sc., Apt.,” explained Prof. Retna on Saturday, June 19.

Prof. Retna hoped this event could be a useful dialectic space for the nation. Furthermore, holding similar events can increase the awareness of academics and the public in facing the existing Cyberspace challenges.

Moreover, the Indonesian government have regulated the law regarding cyber threats in Law No. 3 of 2002 on National Defense. It has been declared that the threat to the state defense system consists of military and non-military threats, including cyber threats. Citing data from the Indonesian Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (IDSIRTII), there were 48.8 million internet attacks throughout 2015.

The high crime rate of this hacking model is certainly a threat amid the increasing number of internet users in Indonesia. Cyber threat is not only a threat to the security and defense sector, but also sectors of public service, economy, and energy.

Therefore, the presence of FTMM as a new faculty in the field of engineering is expected to be a prominent supporting factor that helps Indonesia achieve the SDGs goals and produces competent experts in the cyber world. The five study programs are representations of the scientific realm needed to support the advancement of the nation.

“This event is also a branding effort for a new faculty of UNAIR (FTMM, ed). Moreover, the opening of five new study programs received positive responses from various parties,” added Prof. Retna.


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