Not only books, UNAIR Library provides facilities for learning and discussion

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Documentation of Workshop Open Educational Resources held by UNAIR Library (Photo: By Courtesy)
Documentation of Workshop Open Educational Resources held by UNAIR Library (Photo: By Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS –  A library has always been identified only as a place to read books, look for references, and the like. However, the libraries of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) are quite different. The libraries, located at every point on campus A, B, and C, do not only provide a collection of books but also various facilities for students and the public in general.

Suhernik, S.Sos., M.Si., as the head of the UNAIR Library, stated that the facilities in UNAIR libraries are divided into two: the ones supporting student learning activities and the other ones supporting organization of various events.

“We do not only support students in their learning process but also support them with events not available or held on campus,” she explained.

Learning facilities

To provide adequate learning activities, UNAIR Library has a complete collection that can be accessed online or in printed form. The current book collection reaches 145,148 titles with 210,482 copies, 95,572 repositories containing scientific works, and 11,484 e-books.

“The library also provides many collection rooms including special collection containing books published in the last five years, references collection, Ksatria Airlangga collections which store books written by the academic community, and many more,” explained Hernik.

Hernik said that the library also provides Individual Study Rooms (RUBELIN) for students who want to study privately, special discussion rooms, and Parlina room that can be used to hold various events.

Photo Head of UNAIR Library, Suhernik, S.Sos., M.Si.,

Various interesting events

In addition to the learning facilities, UNAIR Library also often holds events that involve students and the public. Some of the events, continued Hernik, include community services fostering 12 reading spots in educational institutions around UNAIR and Madura. Collaborating with certain communities, UNAIR Library also holds events to display student works, workshops, seminars, talk events, and various trainings.

“The paradigm of the library now and then is different. Nowadays, people come to the library not only to sit down and read, so we also have an acoustic music program where students with musical skills can perform for an hour in the library,” explained the 54-year-old woman.

Furthermore, Hernik also explained that UNAIR Library has American Corner and Aussie Corner. Visitors can learn about culture, language, politics, and various things about the two countries in those corners.

Services during the pandemic

It is undeniable that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused various services in UNAIR libraries to change. Currently, the library is restricting visitors and all access to books, but other references can be accessed online. However, our libraries have been opened for offline visits since April 4. Hernik said that the number of visitors had decreased drastically. Before the pandemic, there were 3000 library visitors per day, but currently, there are only about 60 visitors.

“We will continue to develop our services, facilities, and programs to meet the satisfaction of our visitors,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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