UNAIR NEWS – Economic factors are no longer an obstacle to studying because of the Bidikmisi program. Bidikmisi is an educational fee aid for prospective students economically disadvantaged with academic potential in higher education until they graduate on time.
A person with good plans has a greater chance of being successful. Each person is a leader himself and can be a leader for the people around him. In this regard, the Ministry of Student Resource Development (PSDM) AUBMO held an activity called FIGHTING, which is a form of concern in increasing and developing the potential of Bidikmisi students, on June 13, 2021.
FIGHTING is a leadership webinar held to accommodate Bidikmisi/KIP-K PSDKU students at Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi in improving their leadership skills and a sense of kinship. The theme I’M POSSIBLE “Intact Meeting to Purpose Leadership and Compatible” is to serve as a forum for Bidikmisi/KIP-K students in building their own character with leadership qualities as well as bonding and strengthening relationships between students.
With Moh. Nur Rouf, Chair of AUBMO Universitas Airlangga for the 2018-2019 period, as the speaker, enthusiasm was clearly shown. In his presentation, he said that a leader is a person with the ability to control and influence the thoughts, feelings or behavior of others to achieve predetermined goals. A leader is the first person who has to think hard for the organization he leads so that it could exist and able to make useful contributions to members and people in the circle affected by the policy.
“Everyone is a leader, and every leader will be held accountable for what he leads,” said the student known well as Rouf.
Furthermore, Rouf added that being a leader means surrendering fully to something being led. With the current situation, the role of a leader is needed and must be able to be in a logical condition mentally and physically. Furthermore, the leader must be able to make an impact that can be seen by making innovative and efficient decisions by considering all of the changing aspects.
Meanwhile, Nayunda Ichda Malikul Chusna as the head of the event explained that FIGHTING event, this time, was not only attended by PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi Bidikmisi students but also several representatives from the Bidikmisi Student Communication Forum (FKMB) Jember Raya. In addition to providing insight, the event is useful for the relationship between the two groups. Nayundha added that hopefully, the participants would be able to understand and implement the knowledge they gain by holding the event.
“Hopefully, this activity can be used to explore one’s potential to become a real great leader,” she concluded.
Author: Azka Fauziya
Editor: Nuri Hermawan