“A Decade of RSUA” uniting visions for the advancement of health services

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A group photo after the cutting of tumpeng (ceremonial dish of yellow rice served in a cone shape) by the director of RSUA, Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., Sp.PD., K-PTI.FINASIM., to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of RSUA. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Members of Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) community commemorated June 14 as the anniversary of the university hospital. On Monday (June 14, 2021), RSUA has officially been operating for 10 years.

The anniversary was celebrated with various series of events. In the opening of the main event, Prof. Dr. Kusnanto, S.Kp., M.Kes., as the Head of the RSUA Anniversary Committee said that the series of events held include a webinar on health and hospitals attended by thousands of participants, an innovation competition for medical personnel in all hospitals in East Java, TikTok contests, and many more.

Even before the main event started, UNAIR Hospital Sharing event was also held. In this event, RSUA and UNAIR officials distributed hundreds of goodie bags to health service users at RSUA.

“This is a sign of gratitude from us for entrusting RSUA as their health service provider,” said the Director of RSUA Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., Sp.PD., K-PTI.FINASIM., while distributing the goodie bags to one of the RSUA customers.

In his opening remarks, Prof. Nasron said that the existence of RSUA as a university hospital has to develop continuously with orientation as a health service institution. He added that there is an urgency to continue this orientation because it has been a year and a half since the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.

“As a university hospital, we have to advance in the fields of health education and research. What is the result for? Of course, for the development of Indonesian public health services. Indeed, the services in this hospital must have shortcomings, but these gaps should be used as a reflection for advancement,” said that internist.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasron also hoped that the efforts towards the advancement of RSUA will also serve as the goal of improving the quality of health services in Indonesia. He added that the advancement is needed so that Indonesian citizens do not feel necessary to go abroad and get treatments because the facilities in the country are already available.

“Hopefully, RSUA will become the best hospital for the society, as we always prioritize the quality in health services and technology as well as the patients’ safety. The advancement, of course, should not forget the local wisdom of the surrounding society. Thus, RSUA has to also continue to implement the local wisdom,” he concluded.

In a different interview with the editorial team, the Director of the RSUA also said that the 10th anniversary of RSUA was also used as a momentum for the soft launching of RSUA Innovation Center. According to him, RSUA Innovation Center is a stage for the younger generation.

“The center is encouraged to create and/or innovate products that play positive roles in the development of science and health services such as vaccines and the incorporation of 3D printing in medicine,” he concluded.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Nuri Hermawan (YA/AP)

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