2000 students pass UNAIR SBMPTN 2021
UNAIR NEWS – The 2021 State University Joint Entrance Selection (SBMPTN) results were officially announced on Monday, June 14, 2021. […]
UNAIR NEWS – The 2021 State University Joint Entrance Selection (SBMPTN) results were officially announced on Monday, June 14, 2021. […]
UNAIR NEWS – Hasil Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN) tahun 2021 telah resmi diumumkan pada Senin (14/6/2021). Rektor
UNAIR NEWS – In a high-level climate change conference (Leaders Summit on Climate) 2021 held on 21st of April, Indonesia
UNAIR NEWS – Dalam Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Perubahan Iklim (Leaders Summit on Climate) 2021 pada 21 April lalu, Indonesia menyatakan
UNAIR NEWS – Members of Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) community commemorated June 14 as the anniversary of the university hospital.
UNAIR NEWS – Sivitas Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga (RSUA) memperingati tanggal 14 Juli sebagai hari ulang tahun dari rumah sakit
UNAIR NEWS – A student of Universitas Airlangga has made the proudest achievement at the provincial level. Dwi Retno Puspitasari from the
UNAIR NEWS – Kembali salah satu Ksatria Airlangga menorehkan prestasi ditingkat provinsi. Dwi Retno Puspitasari mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi (FF) Universitas
UNAIR NEWS – Abortus or generally known as miscarriage is a condition when a calf is unable to survive
UNAIR NEWS – Abortus atau dalam istilah umum di masyarakat dikenal dengan istilah keguguran merupakan suatu kondisi ketidakmampuan fetus (anak