Understanding Convalescent Plasma therapy

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dr. Sasi Widuri, M. Biomed. presentation on convalescent plasma in Doras webinar. (Photo: SS zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – In the COVID-19 pandemic, convalescent plasma donors are alternatives to give SARS-CoV-2 virus antibodies to infected patients. Convalescent plasma therapy is a therapy carried out by administering plasma or blood fluids. This fluid is taken from a person with antibodies against certain diseases and given to patients who are ill. 

On Sunday, June 6, 2021, the Community Service Division of Volunteer Corps Indonesian Red Cross (KSR PMI) Sub Unit PSDKU Universitas Airlangga held an activity called Doras (Voluntary Blood Donation) Webinar in collaboration with AUBMO PSDKU in Banyuwangi. Amid pandemic, this activity has been carried out twice.

The speaker was dr. Sasi Widuri, M. Biomed. from UPTD PMI Surabaya. On that occasion, dr. Sasi Widuri said that convalescent plasma therapy is not the main therapy for COVID-19 patients, but an alternative to achieve antibodies in the patient’s body.

According to the quality manager of PMI Surabaya, all COVID-19’s survivor can be convalescent donors if their plasma contains a certain amount of antibodies.

“For now, we only accept convalescent donors from people who have recovered with several conditions, when they are infected, they showed symptoms. So people who are asymptomatic and then recover, for now, we have not received it, “explained dr. Sasi Widuri.

Several other conditions conveyed by doctor Sasi Widuri were:

  • • Confirmed with COVID-19
  • • The patient recovered from COVID-19, indicated by a negative swab result once or a recovery certificate
  • • Complaint-free for a minimum of 14-28 days
  • • Have sufficient antibody levels and total antibody titer for COVID-19 specific IgG
  • • Male donors are preferred
  • • Aged 17-60 years old
  • • Minimum weight 55 kg
  • • Preferably have donated blood

In its implementation, the alumnus of the Master Program in Biomedical Sciences, Transfusion Science, Universitas Indonesia, said that there are several procedures that must be passed. The procedures, she continued, is that prospective convalescent plasma donors must go through data collection, administrative selection and laboratory examination.

“The retrieval and processing of convalescent plasma use the Aphersis method. This method was chosen because it allows to collect larger volume of plasma so that it can be used for more than one patient,” she said.

Furthermore, dr. Sasi Widuri explained that the next process is a closed system processing, to ensure the quality and safety of processing according to GMP.

In the process of storage and distribution, she added, the convalescent plasma that has been processed into FFP is stored at a temperature of -25 o C and distributed to requesting hospitals.

“This series of processes still applies health protocols. We are also trying to detect temperature and provide hand sanitizer, enforce social distancing and use masks and wash hands,” she said.

The officers, she continued, always use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

“In the future, we hope that more donors, especially convalescent plasma donors, will donate to PMI, so that the demand can be met. Because this time, PMI still has limited stock,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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