Faculty of Dental Medicine takes oaths of 51 dentists and 7 dental specialists

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Dean of Faculty of Dental Medicine UNAIR and Director of RSGM during the oath taking of 51 dentists and 7 dental specialists, on May 22, 2021. (Photo: Adelya Salsabila Putri)

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (FKG UNAIR) has inaugurated and taken oaths of new dentists and dental specialists. The event was held offline at Graha BIK IPTEKDOK UNAIR and online via the zoom platform and Youtube. The ceremony held on Saturday, May 22, 2021, took the oath of 51 dentists and 7 orthodontists who were ready to serve the community.

After the diploma handovers to graduates, dentist oath-taking, and alumni oath-taking, Dean of FKG UNAIR   Dr. Agung Sosiawan drg., M.Kes ., MH delivered his remarks. In his speech, Agung said that the four basic principles of professional morality are provisions for carrying out their duties and mandates as dentists.

“First, always spread kindness, secondly, never harm the patient, thirdly, never impose your will, and finally never differentiate patients in terms of quality of service. This is very important so you will not violate your oath you just made, ” he said.

Prof. Dr. RM. Coen Pramono D., drg., SU., SpBM (K)., FICS as Director of Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) UNAIR in his speech said that the essence of dentist’s oath taking is a form of dedication to society to achieve dental health goals in Indonesia.

“The profession of dentists and dental specialists is closely related to world of service and dedication. Apart from being a career ground, the implementation of the profession of dentists and dental specialists is actually a form of professional service and service to the wider community,” he said.

Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA, DVM, the Vice Rector for Academics,
Student and Alumni Affairs said that graduates should be proud and confident because UNAIR is in the best 521-530 position in the world, in the QS World University Rankings, as well as the 4th best campus in Indonesia.

Prof. Bambang also revealed that the inauguration added the long list of dentists and dental specialists of UNAIR. Until now, there have been a total of 5,888 dentists since January 15, 1948, and 1,159 dental specialists since 1990.

“UNAIR has again made a big contribution to society and the nation with the addition of 51 dentists and 7 dental specialists who are sworn in today,” he said.

The event then continued with the handover of graduates to the Head of FKG UNAIR alumni association First Admiral TNI drg Nora Lelyana, MHKes, FICD. In her remarks, Nora said that alumni have a very important role in improving UNAIR’s national and global reputation.

“Build up a network with all FKG UNAIR alumni, because alumni has a role to improve UNAIR’s ranking among World Class Universities. Good luck, take steps with certainty, and always stick to the principles of Excellence with Morality, “said Nora before with the symbolic handover of mementos by the Vice Dean II FKG UNAIR to all graduates.

UNAIR, as one of the best universities in Indonesia,  supports the entire academic community to contribute to the wider community. (*)

Author: Adelya Salsabila Putri

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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