UNAIR NEWS – We may have heard about ADS Scholarship or Airlangga Development Scholarship (ADS) a few times before. It is a scholarship scheme that has been around since 2014 for international students who wish to continue their master’s or doctoral studies at UNAIR.
As stated by UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sukardiman, Apt., MS., ADS was initiated as a form of UNAIR’s commitment to get international prospective students with great potential to develop in their countries. It is focused on developing countries worldwide.
“The ADS program is aimed at candidates from developing countries across the world. It offers various programs, both for master’s and doctoral degrees, ranging from health; natural science; and social science, “he explained on Friday afternoon, May 21, 2021.
From data collected by the UNAIR Directorate of Academic Affairs, in 2020, there are 62 international students registered in the ADS program. In total, the ADS Scholarship program has funded 154 international students since its establishment.
Prof. Sukardiman said that the assistance provided to ADS Scholarship recipients includes dormitory assistance, tuition fees exemption, and health insurance. “This program aims to help outstanding students continue their studies at UNAIR for better education and future. And, it has shown positive impacts, “he added.
It is undeniable that the ADS Scholarship Program has accelerated UNAIR’s achievements in World Class University (WCU). Indirectly, the ADS Program also supports UNAIR’s effort to alleviate poverty. The institution has also been ranked in the Top 100 in THE Impact Rankings 2021 in “No Poverty” category.
At the end, Prof. Sukardiman emphasized that ADS is expected to develop self abilities after gaining competencies during their studies at UNAIR. For example, after graduating, he continued, they return to their home countries and can work in government agencies. Thus, their social status and position in the community are improved as well.
Prof. Sukardiman expects that the quantity and quality of the ADS Program can be improved because he believes that ADS recipients have become ambassadors to spread the good news about UNAIR.
“We must monitor ADS intensively in terms of its academic and administrative achievements. So it can run as scheduled with no obstacles on the way, “he concluded.
UNAIR, as one of the best universities in Indonesia, supports the entire academic community to contribute to the wider community. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia