UNAIR IKR Alumni release book on Women’s Reproductive Health

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'Reproductive Health and Growth from Fetuses to Elderly in Women'. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Five alumni of Master of Reproductive Health Science (IKR) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (FK UNAIR) have published a book entitled ‘Reproductive Health and Growth from Fetuses to Elderly in Women’.

They are Rima Wirenviona, Anak Agung Istri Dalem Cinthya Riris, Nurul Fatimah Susanti, Nurul Jannatul Wahidah and Abadiyah Zakiah. They were classmates and students of IKR Master’s program from class of 2018.

Interestingly, the Coordinator of IKR FK UNAIR Master’s Study Program, dr Hermanto Tri Joewono, SPOG (K). dr Hos has been very supportive of this book by being directly involved as an author of this book about reproductive health and women’s empowerment.

“This book illustrates the importance of women’s reproductive health as a quality vessel for future generations and advancing the country. I am very proud to be involved as an author of this book. A work that is highly committed to educating the nation’s life, “he explained.

Nurul Fatimah revealed that the initial idea of writing the book was from a shared desire to make a work that could be a reference and a memento of her studies.

Rima as the main author also told how the book was written during the pandemic through a process of repeated review by fellow authors. “That’s why this book will be very suitable as a reference for health students, especially midwifery and medicine,” said Rima.

The book contains a variety of important information such as the concept of growth stages and development of fetuses, infants, adolescents, adults, and the elderly in women. Presented with material that is easy to understand, this book is intended to educate and prevent various reproductive diseases due to the lack of public knowledge.

Other author, Riris, stated that the making of the book was not easy. They took a long time to summarize various references and sciences related to women’s reproductive health. “Thankfully, this book can be completed with a solid teamwork and support from the Directorate of Innovation and Education Development UNAIR,” she added.

The book published by Airlangga University Press is a contribution to science gained during the five authors’ education. Its contents also summarize the latest information and knowledge related to women’s reproductive health from fetus to menopause.

Not only used by health students, this book by IKR FK UNAIR alumni can also be accessed by the general public in order to gain knowledge about health. Those who are interested can contact the author directly to order the book or e – book online. (*)

Authors: Intang Arifia and Rima

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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