UNAIR NEWS – Striped snakehead fish (Channa striata) is one of the endemic fish in Indonesian waters which is popular in several regions. Thus, the level of consumption of snakehead fish continues to increase every year, where in 2016 the utilization of the fish from aquaculture ponds amounted to 21,721 tons, and from natural catches amounted to 70,802 tons. It is stated in a popular scientific article written by Suciyono S.St.Pi., MP, which was published on the UNAIR NEWS page on Saturday, April 29, 2021.
In an article summarized from a journal entitled “Differences size of Channa striata broodstock and the number of eggs produced in natural spawning”, Suciyono explained that consumption of striped snakefish in Indonesia is relatively high, especially in South Sumatra as a typical food of the region. In the health sector, this fish is used to accelerate the healing of surgical wounds and burns because of its albumin content. So far, fishing activities have become the biggest contributor to meeting these consumption needs. However, several enlargement activities have been carried out, both relying on seeds from nature and breeding seeds.
“The cultivation of striped snakehead fish has been done a lot to make prospective broodstock. However, information regarding the ideal parent criteria for seed productivity is still limited, “he explained.
Suciyono explained that the spawning productivity can be seen from the total number of mature eggs produced. One of the factors that affect the number of eggs produced is the Gonad Somatic Index (GSI) which is related to the size or weight of the parent fish. This study used three categories of parent fish size with different weights, (P1): 155-350 grams, (P2): 400-700 grams, and (P3): 700-1200 grams.
“The results showed that the number of eggs produced respectively P1 = 1,106 eggs, P2 = 628 eggs, and P3 = 2,307 eggs. From the results of these studies, it can be concluded that the number of eggs produced increases with the larger size of the parent fish, “he said.
At the end, Suciyono explained that the optimal size of striped snakehead fish for spawning is around 400-700 grams. Therefore, he said, snakehead fish fecundity is influenced by the weight of the broodstock used and the type of feed given.
“Furthermore, several things that affect snakehead fish fecundity include the type of feed used, the weather, and the season,” he concluded.
Author: Ananda Wildhan Wahyu Pratama
Editor: Nuri Hermawan