Environmental Health Department FKM develops a Double Degree Master’s Program

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FKM Environmental Health Master’s program students during a community service in 2021. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Master of Environmental Health is the only study program managed by the Department of Environmental Health (Kesling), Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).
Dr. Lilis Sulistyorini, Ir., M.Kes., as the head of the department revealed that there are several advantages it has, especially in the environmental health sector. Among them, the lecturers already have certificates of environmental impact analysis (AMDAL), some lecturers are also experienced as AMDAL consultants and some have worked in international companies.

“Many of the students themselves also have certificates of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). The department also has networks with overseas universities such as Universitas Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM),” she explained.

Furthermore, Dr. Lilis also said that the department has a journal called the Environmental Health Journal (JKL). The journal, she added, has been accredited as 2nd Tier of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) journal.

“We are currently aiming so that the Environmental Health Journal can be indexed by ESCI,” continued Dr. Lilis.

In the field of community empowerment, Dr. Lilis said that the Environmental Health Department has assisted villages but this is not routinely implemented every year. The department has also held international seminars several years ago.

“This year, there are approximately four lecturers who received funds from UNAIR to carry out community empowerment, especially in Surabaya area, and some do it in Islamic boarding schools,” she said.

Not only active in the field of community empowerment, the lecturers of the Environmental Health Department also often conduct research. According to Dr. Lilis, the research is a multi-year research, the research is conducted for two years or even up to three years.

The Environmental Health Department also has many reputable alumni, such as Sumadi, an alumnus of the master’s degree class of 2011 who works as a civil servant and has succeeded in establishing a business in the field of public health facilities. There is also an alumnus named Edza Aria Wikurendra, from class of 2016, who managed to get a doctoral degree scholarship in Hungary.

In the future, Dr. Lilis said that the department will encourage lecturers who have not undertaken doctoral studies to continue their education abroad. In order to develop expertise, Dr. Lilis revealed that lecturers in the Environmental Health Department often attended BNSP certified training, for example training in environmental media sampling.

“We are also planning to develop a double degree of Environmental Health Master’s program with UPM. Then, to face challenges related to departmental performance achievements, of course we work together and work hand in hand so that the performance targets can be achieved properly, “concluded Dr. Lilis.

UNAIR as one of the best universities in Indonesia is committed to increasing global competitiveness. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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