UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., has announced six high school students who get the 2021 UNAIR SBMPTN Golden Tickets. The announcement was made online through Sinau Nang Omah JTV program with Universitas Airlangga on Friday, May 7, 2021, at 10.30 AM.
“We give rewards to those who have made excessive efforts. Those who fight persistently and prepare themselves as well as possible, “he said.
According to Prof. Nasih, there were six students who met UNAIR criteria and qualification, three students from the Social Humanities (Soshum) cluster and three from Science and Technology (Saintek).
“We chose students who pick UNAIR and the scores eligible,” he said.
First, Felicia Kristianti from SMAN 2 Madiun who was accepted into Medicine Study Program (Prodi), Faculty of Medicine (FK). Second, Alfina Nurani from SMA Progresif Bumi Sholawat accepted into Fishery Product Technology Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPK). Third, Nadhifa Salsabilla from SMA Progresif Bumi Sholawat accepted into Midwifery Study Program. Fourth, Rosalin Nabila Arisanti from SMAN 5 Surabaya accepted into the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi). Fifth, Nevi Saniatul Fajria from SMAN 90 Jakarta accepted into Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). And, the sixth is Unsabirina Triamanah from SMAN 2 Surabaya accepted into the FEB Accounting Study Program.
“Some of them were accepted into the second choice study program. Later, at UTBK, if their scores can be better and meet the standards, they can be accepted in their first choices at UNAIR, “he said.
“At Saintek, Felicia scored 760.03; Alfina 707.22; and Nadiva 706.67. For Soshum Unsabirina scored 767.68; Nevi 767.82; and Rosaline 797.72, “he added.
However, said Prof. Nasih, Golden Ticket recipients must pay attention to other requirements. First, recipients still depend on the minimum UTBK score. It means that the UTBK score remains a consideration.
“If the score is better, there is a chance that the person will be accepted in the first choice,” he said.
Second, the regulation for UTBK participation disqualification also applies to the Golden Ticket. It means that if UNAIR Golden Ticket recipients cheat or do other violations, the Golden Ticket may also be rescinded.
Not reducing SBMPTN quota
Prof. Nasih added that the Golden Ticket policy was intended as a form of appreciation for prospective students who fought hard. They made various efforts to prepare for UTBK. UNAIR strives to facilitate the best prospective students with high commitment to the university.
The Golden Ticket, added Prof. Nasih, did not reduce the quota in the SBMPTN pathway. The quota for SBMPTN is fixed. So, the Golden Ticket does not reduce the rights of other friends.
“We only provide additional opportunities on the Golden Ticket. For example, the quota for Medicine study program is 75, we add one more seat for this Golden Ticket. So, the quota is 76 students. We’ll get it from the independent quota,” he said.
Head of UNAIR Student Admission Center (PPMB) Dr. Achmad Solihin said that the six students were encouraged to carry out further procedures, pre-registration. First, the recipients are asked to send their UTBK participant card. Second, sending a stamped statement that those who are accepted will still take the opportunity at UNAIR. The files were sent to PPMB UNAIR Office at MERR C Campus, Mulyorejo
It should be noted that previously UNAIR collaborated with JTV and Analitica to hold the UTBK Try Out. The ten participants with the highest score will have the opportunity to get Golden Tickets to enter UNAIR. With certain conditions, requirements, and criteria, six Golden Ticket recipients were finally selected for the 2021 UNAIR SBMPTN admission. (*)
Author: Feri Fenoria