UNAIR NEWS – Student Association (HIMA) of Nursing Three-year vocational (D3) Study Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga held a charity activity with orphans on Wednesday, May 5, 2021. The event was held at the Ar-Rasyid Orphanage, Lamongan Regency.
At the event, Dr. Tika Widiastuti, S.E., M.Si as Vice Dean I of Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Dr. Makhfudli, S.Kep. Ns., M.Ked.Trop Head of the Nursing D3 Study Program (KPS), Hafna Ilmy Muhalla, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB, as supervisor of HIMA D3 Nursing were attending.
Twenty-five orphans living at Ar-Rasyid Orphanage were presented at the event. The Nursing banjari team had the opportunity to perform and enliven the event. The chanting of the holy verses of the Koran was also recited to increase the solemnity of the event. The reading of sholawat is carried out together led by the Banjari D3 Nursing Team.
Rania Iqlima Altas who is a D3 Nursing student as well as the chief executive said that there was no specific purpose for holding the event. “Sharing activities with orphaned children is something that is highly recommended by religion,” she explained.
“This is a means to be a better person. We can also share affection for others, and strengthen the brotherhood between Muslims,” added Rania.
Breaking the fast together with orphans became an unforgettable agenda at the event. Seeing the joy and happiness that radiates on their faces (orphans, ed) was the most refreshing after a day of fasting. For the sake of the event, lecturers, administrative staff, and D3 Nursing students work together to collect donations. Rania as the committee representative felt happy because thanks to the mutual cooperation established, the charity program with the orphans went smoothly.
Rania hoped that such sharing activities will not only stop here but will continue. “Hopefully D3 Nursing friends can continue to do good and hopefully what has been done will be blessed by Allah SWT,” she concluded.
Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia