Qualified for funding, UNAIR Pharmacy lecturer develops injection-based bone substitute
UNAIR NEWS – In 2021, there are four innovative products from Universitas Airlangga that received funding from the Ministry of Research […]
UNAIR NEWS – In 2021, there are four innovative products from Universitas Airlangga that received funding from the Ministry of Research […]
UNAIR NEWS – Tahun 2021 ini, ada empat produk inovasi Universitas Airlangga yang menerima pendanaan dari Ristek/BRIN. Keempat produk itu
UNAIR NEWS – Eid exodus (mudik) is an annual tradition during the Holy Month of Ramadan where people returns to their
UNAIR NEWS – Mudik lebaran menjadi tradisi setiap tahun saat Bulan Suci Ramadan untuk berkunjung ke kampung halaman. Berbeda tahun-tahun
UNAIR NEWS – The rate of Indian immigrants trying to flee their country due to the Covid-19 tsunami is a big
UNAIR NEWS – Laju imigran India yang berusaha melarikan diri dari negaranya akibat tsunami Covid-19 menjadi konsen besar bagi banyak
UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., has announced six high school students who get the 2021 UNAIR SBMPTN
UNAIR NEWS – Rektor Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., mengumumkan enam siswa SMA berhasil mendapatkan Golden
UNAIR NEWS – In Ramadan, all Muslims will fast from children to adults. However, sometimes many parents have difficulty teaching
UNAIR NEWS – Memasuki bulan ramadhan, seluruh umat muslim akan menjalankan ibadah puasa mulai dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasa. Namun,