Performance evaluation, GS UNAIR Banyuwangi holds virtual monitoring session

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Performance evaluation, GS UNAIR Banyuwangi holds virtual monitoring session. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – Management of Garuda Sakti (GS) PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi has almost reached half of its term. To assess and improve the performance of each division, GS has conducted online monitoring and evaluation (Monev).

This activity was held from April 25 to May 4 with PSDM division in charge. Suliani as lead executive of the activity said that the activity began with division heads filling in the evaluation form. The form will later be given to each staff as evaluation material to be presented directly through the Zoom meeting

“The goal is to find out the problems that occur in each division and evaluate the existing deficiencies of both the division and staff in this first trimester,” said Suli.

Suli continued, Monev (monitoring and evaluation) is a series of activities which are planned to be carried out 4 times in one management period. The first trimester focuses on evaluating divisions and staff, the second trimester evaluates the Division Heads and their Representatives, the 3rd trimester to review the progress of the division after the first monev and recommitments.

“The plan is also to invite previous officials to provide input and suggestions to each division, given that they already have experience navigating the dynamics of organization,” she explained.

In this first trimester, Suli revealed that the problems encountered in each division were almost the same, the lack of participation, a sense of solidarity between members and the sense of ownership of each staff towards the division. According to her, it happened because the communication pattern that was formed was slightly hampered because it was completely online.

“Plus they have never met in person, so the members don’t know each other closely, this creates a barrier between them to communicate casually, so chemistry between members is not formed,” said the class of 2019 Aquaculture student.

Meanwhile, Sadida Anindya Bachtiar, Head of the Achievement Division, revealed that from this Monev, the Achievement Division members became more open and active in discussions. Those who were initially shy are now more courageous in conveying their ideas.

“Communication in the group is also more relaxed, not stiff, although it does not change the overall Monev, it still has a very positive impact,” he said.

At the end, Suli hoped that with this monev, the division’s performance and chemistry between staff can improve. “So, the division can run better and cohesively in facing every problem,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Ivan Syahrial Abidin

Editor    : Nuri Hermawan

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