UNAIR Rector hopes for constitutional Indonesian oil and gas management

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UNAIRNEWS – On Thursday morning, April 29, 2021, UNAIR Partnerships and Development Management Board (BKMP) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at Amerta Hall, Campus C Management Office UNAIR. The topic discussed at this event was “Governance of Oil and Gas Natural Resources under the Constitution” to realize the concept of investment-friendly, accountable, efficient, and effective upstream oil and gas exploitation.

Suko Widodo moderated this activity with competent speakers in the field of oil and gas management. The speakers were Dean of the Faculty of Law UNAIR Iman Prihandono, SH, MH, LL.M., PhD, Former Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Siswoutomo, UNAIR Energy Law expert Indria Wahyuni, SH, LL.M., and upstream oil and gas observer, M. Kholid Syerazi.

This activity was started with remarks from UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak. He said that Indonesia’s potential in the oil and gas sector is in the leading positions due to the abundance of natural resources scattered throughout the archipelago.

“However, this potential has not been optimized to bring most benefits. The orientation of our country is still as a consumer and depends on foreign producers. Even those countries whose oil and gas wealth is not as abundant as Indonesia, “said the Professor.

Prof. Nasih appreciates the discourse that will be explored in this FGD. According to him, the aspect of the legislation is essential and crucial in any governance. Particularly in the oil and gas sector, the Accounting Expert also expected that this discussion’s results could help Indonesia achieve harmony and order in the oil and gas aspect.

“Especially when it comes to the constitution, we will certainly discuss something fundamental and strategic. At least this activity can be a trigger for correcting all the oil and gas problems that still exist in Indonesia. The solution is to create a constitutional legal basis that can accommodate creative ideas for oil and gas management, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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