UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) has just launched its 3rd book entitled Tuberculosis Management: Latest, Multidisciplinary, and Comprehensive. It was released at the online symposium on Saturday, April 10, 2021, attended by the Director of RSUA and some leaderships.
During an interview with UNAIR News Tuesday afternoon, April 13, 2021, Dr. Afif Nurul Hidayati, dr., SpKK (K), FINS-DV, FAADV as the RSUA Education Manager revealed that the process of compiling a book consisting of 63 chapters and 914 pages involved 81 authors from various different professions. All of them are RSUA human resources, including doctors, radiologists, nurses, midwives, and pharmacists.
According to Afif, the book is expected to review a case of disease from various fields of science. “Like Tuberculosis, it is not enough to be treated by a pulmonologist. Sometimes it needs supporting exam both x-rays and sputum, then how is the nutrition, tuberculosis case also needs surgery. So it needs to be viewed from various fields of science, “said Afif as the coordinator and editorial team of the Tuberculosis Management Book.
Meanwhile, Afif said, since 2018 RSUA has published three similar books. Among them are 2018 Medical and Surgical Emergency Book; HIV-AIDS Management Book in 2019; and most recently Tuberculosis Management.
The first two books were even published in electronic versions in addition to printed versions. “We are targeting to publish a book once a year with a choice of themes that involve many professions,” she said.
Afif said that the purpose of making the book was inseparable from the Inter Professional Education (IPE) program implemented by UNAIR. “With the existence of IPE which involves many professions, we also publish books that involve many professions,” she said.
RSUA is compiling the 4th book on Covid-19 Management. The book is expected to be published soon in 2021.
So far, in Teaching Hospital Association RS PTN, RSUA is the first hospital to publish a book like this. The published books have always received a lot of appreciation. There are many parties interested in the book.
The Book of Medical and Surgical Emergency which was published for the first time has sold more than 1,500 copies. “Among the PTN Hospitals, no one has published a comprehensive book like this. Still only RSUA, “she explained.
Afif hoped that the books that have been published can be used as reference guidelines for patient care. So that health facilities can provide the best service.
“With good book references, automatically education can also be well organized. So it is expected to produce professionals which are competent in their fields, but they are able to communicate and collaborate with other professions, ” she concluded.
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Author: Erika Eigh Novanty
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia