RSTKA service for flash flood disaster in NTT

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UNAIR NEWS – Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital (RSTKA) sailed back to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) as it was hit by a flash flood. During the flash flood, 148 people were reported dead and some people were declared missing.

Furthermore, aids for the refugees are still limited, such as food and health services because several islands were also affected by the flood. “With the presence of RSTKA, we are trying to get deeper into islands that are not accessible to big ships, and provide aids,” said Doctor Agus Haryanto, RSTKA’s Head of Operation.

Doctor Agus said that the main focus of RSTKA is health services. “Especially for the operations,” he continued.

Operations on the island are still limited due to financial problems, the provision of health infrastructure and geographical conditions. Apart from the health sector, another mission of RSTKA is to assist the recovery of areas affected by disasters with food supply, clean water management, and reforestation.

“If there are no obstacles, Friday morning (9/4) we will go to the location,” said Agus. The ship only carries what volunteers need, for health posts, sterilization rooms, main operating rooms, and public kitchens.

The ship also brought food aid, a water purification reactor, and plant seeds. About the volunteers, Agus said that they would take a plane to the nearest city from the disaster site, and then they will be picked up.

RSTKA will operate on four islands recommended by the Head of the Crisis Center of Indonesian Ministry of Health. These islands are Adonara, Lembata, Pantar and Alor. “Because there are four islands, RSTKA divides volunteers into four teams,” said Agus.

One team consists of 25 people, including doctors, nurses and non-medical volunteers. The volunteers are expected to to assist the duties of health workers, officers, or volunteers who are already working at the site.

Agus said the health services by RSTKA are trying to be operational any time. “But it must also be adjusted to the amount and manpower of our resources,” he said.

RSTKA will also install two types of water purification units, both consumable and non-consumable. Its use is tailored to the needs and filter equipment. Other efforts that have been made include strengthening economic activities by planting productive crops, such as vegetables and fruit, as well as raising aid funds.

This sosial service provided by RSTKA cannot be separated from the supports of volunteers and donors, both from UNAIR and other parties, health workers or non-health workers.

“Love and empathy to help people in distress are their foundation to support this ship,” said Doctor Agus with great appreciation. He was grateful, because without all of them, this ship could not do goodness for those in need. On behalf of RSTKA, he hoped there will be more and more people participating in RSTKA activities, either by volunteering or donating. (*)

Author: M. Gita Jayanata 

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