UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has reopened Vokasi Mart integrated education laboratory. With the title Grand Re-Opening of Vokasi Mart, the opening was chaired by Dean of Faculty of Vocational Studies UNAIR Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’ruf, M.Kes, drh. accompanied by leaderships, lecturers, and students on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at Campus B UNAIR.
“This (Vokasi Mart, ed) is encouraged to help the economic recovery of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in marketing their products as well as a laboratory for vocational programs and other programs,” said Prof. Anwar.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic sector experienced a considerable impact. One of them, many MSMEs are experiencing a decline in income and are threatened to stop their production.
According to Prof. Anwar, the reopening of Vokasi Mart was considered appropriate in the context of mentoring and empowering MSMEs through FV with its 21 existing programs. It is projected that 21 programs in the field of health, engineering and business departments can help MSME problems.
“Furthermore, the Vokasi Mart will be a forum for MSME assistance, starting from processing, packaging, to product marketing. Vokasi Mart is located on Jalan Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan Number 40, ” he said.
Furthermore, said Prof. Anwar, Vokasi Mart plans to launch an application called HaloVokasi soon, an android based applications and IOS to facilitate service shopping needs of MSME products and other collaboration products is online.
“It is also for the research needs of lecturers or students,” he added.

Prof. Anwar explained that Vokasi Mart is also projected to sell products for educational needs online such as lab animals. Given that the experimental animals have an appeal and urgency for the research process.
“For example, lab animals for cancer research. If students or lecturers want to do research related to cancer and need experimental animals, they can contact HaloVokasi directly, and served by Vokasi Mart, “he said.
In the end, Prof. Anwar said that FV is making intensive efforts to apply the SMART University platform initiated by UNAIR’s rector. One of them is the acronym M, Meaningful Research and Community Service. The re-opening of Vokasi Mart can be an added value, especially adding benefits to provide the best solutions to the community. As one of the best universities in Indonesia, UNAIR continues to encourage the excellent implementation of Higher Education Tri Dharma. (*)
Author: Zahwa E. Bella
Editor: Feri Fenoria