UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga inaugurated another five professors on Thursday, April 8, 2021. UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh Nasih confirmed five new professors at Garuda Mukti Hall, UNAIR Management Office.
The five professors inaugurated were Prof. Dr. Theresia Indah Budhy Sulisetyawati, drg from the Faculty of Dental Medicine; Prof. Dr. Tita Damayanti Lestari, drh., M.Sc., from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Prof. Dr. Retno Indrawati Roestamadji, drg., M.Si., from the Faculty of Dental Medicine; Prof. Dr. Bambang Tri Purwanto, drs., M.S., Apt., from the Faculty of Pharmacy; and Prof. Dr. Nurul Hartini, M.Kes., psikolog., from the Faculty of Psychology.
On the occasion attended by limited guests, UNAIR Rector said that professorship is a long journey to contribute to society. Even though they have been inaugurated as professors, according to him, their contributions to society are even more expected.
“The spirit to develop science, research, and produce meaningful works must be fostered. This (professorship, ed) is a long journey process, “said the Rector.
Rector said that UNAIR Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and Community Development (RICD) held by Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si., must encourage researchers at UNAIR to focus on sustainable research so the results obtained in the community can be better monitored.
In addition, the rector said that currently various new problems in society continue to emerge. However, the number of scientists, scholars and professors is not large. “With the problems that continue to develop this time, the professor’s contribution is very much awaited. Not only by UNAIR but also Indonesia and the world, “said the Rector.

The Five Professors’ Works
In the professorship inauguration, Prof. There delivered an oration entitled ‘Development of Oral Cancer Therapy with Moringa Oleifera Nanoparticles’. In her research, Prof. There is trying to find safer, more natural, and easy to obtain anti-cancer drugs, especially in Indonesia. The potential for anti-cancer drugs falls to moringa plants which contain various active substances such as anti-neoproliferative agent phytochemicals that inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Second, Prof. Tita delivered an oration entitled ‘The Role of Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein (PAG) as Supporting Marker in Increasing Superior Cattle Population through Early Pregnancy Detection’.
Third, Prof. Retno delivered a speech about the human microbiome or also known as the second genome, which plays an important role in many aspects of health and disease. The 33rd active FKG professor in her study explained that there was a significant increase in IL-22 (interleukin 22) in the group of third trimester pregnant women with dental caries. In the caries group, the variability of the cavity microbiome decreased. It shows that there is an imbalance resulting in dental caries.
Fourth, Prof. Bambang delivered an oration entitled ‘Medicinal Chemistry and its Role in the Development of New Drugs’.
According to him, the emergence of new diseases is caused by the absence of excellent drugs for certain diseases, the large number of germs that are resistant to certain drugs, and the discovery of various side effects of drug use are also reasons for the need for drug development.
To get new drugs, according to Prof. Bambang, compounds with known activities can be developed and used as parent compounds to reduce cost requirements.
Fifth, Prof. Nurul delivered an oration entitled ‘ Psychological First Aids: The Role of Psychology for Disaster Victims in Indonesia’. According to her, in a post-disaster situation, safety and assistance for victims are the first and foremost things. Medical assistance is clearly needed, but the mental health of the victims must also be a priority.
The list of UNAIR professors continues to grow, since its establishment in 1954, UNAIR has had 521 professors. Meanwhile, since becoming a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH), UNAIR has produced 229 professors. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh