Developing Traditional Medicine, UNAIR professor receives award from governor

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhariningsih receives an award from Governor of East Java Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – A lecturer of Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhariningsih has received an award from the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa. She was awarded an award as a Traditional Health Service Developer in East Java. This award was given for her great service in developing traditional medicine in East Java.

Prof. Rin is an important figure behind the development of Traditional Medicine (Battra) Education in East Java. Her name is listed as the founder of Battra Professional Organization (IPTAKI / PPTRAKI / PPTI) which has been recognized as a partner of the Ministry of Health.

The chairman of the Indonesian Traditional Health Higher Education Association (PPTKTI) is also a pioneer of collaboration between Surabaya City Health Office and UNAIR Battra Lecturer team. In the end, this harmonious relationship contributed to the success of East Java.

“In 2017 and 2018, East Java received appreciation from the Ministry of Health as the winner of National Asman Toga and Acupressure for two consecutive years,” said the Head of the East Java Development, Implementation, Traditional Medicine Center (SP3T).

Since 2011, Prof. Rin has produced a lot of research and innovation on empirical medicine with SP3T. Some research results are even referred to as policy making by the Traditional Health Service (Yankestrad) of Ministry of Health.

Some of them are the development of Traditional Equipment (Alkestrad) Electrostimulator (AES) and Laserpuncture. The two innovations that were initiated since 2001 and 2003 are claimed to make it easier for Experts and Traditional Empirical Practitioners to do their practice.

“Laserpuncture helps practitioners in providing therapeutic doses. This tool uses a semiconductor laser and is equipped with a dose of energy. Currently we are also developing Smart AES, ” she said.

For Prof. Rin, the award she received was a turning point in her struggle in developing Traditional Medicine. In the future, she aspires to establish a professional education and masters’ degree education (Battra). She hoped that this dream can come true before she retires next year.

“Like building a house, Battra lecturers and I have made the foundation (D3 Battra, ed) in 2005. Then in 2015, we built the ground floor, D4 (Four-year vocational) Battra Education. Insyaallah, this year we will create the second floor, Battra Professional Education,” she hoped.

The award was given to commemorate National Health Day 2020. After being delayed last November, the award ceremony was held on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at the Grahadi Building. Some important figures such as the Regent, Mayor, partners, and representatives of institutions contributed to the development of East Java also received awards.
As the best university in Indonesia, Unair strongly supports the academic community in developing the three pillars of higher education and being competitive in the global world. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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