UNAIR NEWS – In order to extend collaboration, Universitas Airlangga has signed a memorandum of understanding with a Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas). Prof. Nasih and the Head of SKK Migas Dr. Ir. Dwi Soetjipto, MM signed the MoU at the Rector’s Hall, Management Office, 4th floor, Campus C UNAIR on Monday, April 5, 2021, while implementing strict health protocols.
UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA said that collaboration with SKK Migas can provide benefits for both parties. Prof. Nasih hoped that through this collaboration, in the future there will be several UNAIR graduates to help managing health in the oil and gas work environment, as its environment is unstable.
“We hope that the signing of this collaboration will be followed up so that it can provide benefits,” said Prof. Nasih.
Dr. Dwi Soetjipto said the agreement covered 3 areas in line with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially the fields of Research Development, Community Service and Community Education. This collaboration can promote oil and gas field experience sharing on campus.
Based on Dr. Dwi’s statements, Indonesia is targeting 1 million barrel of oil capacity per day. In the field of research, through research expertise, UNAIR can participate in reviewing oil and gas projects and providing suggestions.
“When we want to plan an oil and gas project with a fund of 12 billion, is it reasonable? That is where campus can review it more deeply, “said Dr. Dwi.
SKK Migas with sustainability concept through community service, can get UNAIR’s support in providing assistance in the work area of natural resources utilization, and assistance to communities around the area. “UNAIR can provide education so that community may develop,” he explained.
Later, the research conducted by UNAIR with SKK Migas will involve UNAIR experts and researchers, especially those who are experts in the field of health and human resources to develop the performance of the field operators. Besides health, Dr. Dwi hoped that the Management sector can assist in marketing and financial management.
“Moreover, because UNAIR has just built a new faculty of Engineering (Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline – FTMM, ed), we can grow together in terms of technology,” he said.
Through the collaboration, SKK Migas is ready to provide the dissemination needed by UNAIR and realize further steps of collaboration.
Author: Dimar Herfano
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia