“The Five V” Big Data concept we need to know

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UNAIR NEWS – Recently, the term “big data” has been discussed more on social media. However, there are still many people who do not understand what big data is.

Ratih Ardiati Ningrum, M.S., M.Stat., one of the lecturers of Data Science Technology Program, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) revealed that data can be categorized as  “big data” based on five things. First, said Ratih, on volume (size). She explained that if there is data with a large size, that data is included as big data. 

Second, added Ratih, on velocity (speed). If a data has a fast flow or movement, that data is also included as big data. Furthermore, the third is based on a wide variety (types), where in fact a data does not only consist of structured data but also semi-structured and unstructured data.

“Structured data is data that has been neatly arranged, while unstructured data is data in the form of images or sounds such as data on X-Ray images and other kinds of data,” she said on Tuesday, March 16, 2021.

Then, continued Ratih, the fourth is based on veracity (accuracy or consistency). She explained that the veracity aspect emphasizes whether the data is valid data or not. Finally, data can be categorized as big data based on value.

“Value is related to the value of data, meaning that the data can provide insight, knowledge,  and information,” explained Ratih.

Big data, said Ratih, can be used in various sectors of human life after going through the data mining or data processing. Some examples of the use of big data include agriculture, education, health and other fields.

“If we can process data, for example regarding product reviews in an e-commerce, the data can be information for sellers because from product review data, we can model which product is acceptable to the public, what the product deficiencies are, and so on,” she added.

Ratih said the term big data has existed since ancient times. However, according to her, the term is starting to become a discussion because it is motivated by the current conditions in which humans live in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 which is all digital.

“The current technology is getting more advanced, at least everyone has one smartphone and you can imagine how much data each person produces,” she said.

As a closing statement, Ratih emphasized that data has many benefits and through such data there will be a lot of information that can be obtained if the data processing is done properly. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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