UNAIR NEWS – As a part of Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) activities in 2021. An info session of Postgraduate School held a webinar entitled “Kampus Mbangun Desa (lit: Campus Develops Villages).” Presenting the Minister of Villages, Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration, Abdul Halim Iskandar, Regent of Pamekasan, Badrut Taman, Director of Postgraduate School, Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco Ph.D., the event was held virtually on Friday, February 19.
Delivering opening remarks at the event was the Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih. On that occasion, Prof. Nasih said that the event, which was themed ‘My Village is Calling,’ was expected to improve life quality.
“Hopefully, this meeting can produce many things that can be useful for the community. Primarily the people who are in Gus Minister’s work realm, rural communities, “he said.
Regarding the theme, he continued, Prof. Nasih said that it was very challenging and something the community had been waiting for together. Moreover, the collaboration between all the ministries is conducted well, so many programs can be implemented. One of them is the Independent Campus program, which is closely related to students’ role in contributing and learning from the community to build the villages.
“The Independent Campus Program carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture is in line with the Ministry of Health’s program in building villages. In this case, the campus can be involved, especially in obtaining data and formulating policies in alleviating village problems, “said Prof. Nasih.
Furthermore, Prof. Nasih also said that UNAIR had sent students to do Community Service Program (KKN) every semester. UNAIR also supports students in doing thematic KKN in their respective regions and developing the various potentials there.
“We have recorded hundreds of villages that have become our targets, and of course, this is a program that we will encourage to be continued. We hope that any form of dedication carried out by lecturers and students will have a significant impact, “he explained.
From the programs initiated by the campus, he said, Prof. Nasih hoped that there will also be many supports from the Village Ministry, especially in encouraging students to be more actively involved and better in participating in various village problems.
“With several strategic programs and more advanced technology, we are sure that it will have a better impact, especially if students got assignments from the ministry. Insya Allah, students will have stronger legality, and the acceptance of village communities will be easier. Thus, ‘the villages calling’ program can run as well as possible, and students can take part in the program, “he concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan