UNAIR NEWS – Nowadays, in Indonesia, an imbalance often found between the number of workforce and job opportunities in the field. High population growth which is not accompanied by growth in employment opportunities is the main cause of unemployment.
As a response to this issue, HIPMI PT UNAIR (Association of Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs at Universitas Airlangga) held an Inauguration and Talk show activity on Friday, February 12, 2021. The talk show entitled “Stop Looking for Work and Create Jobs” was held so that Ksatria Airlangga (students of Universitas Airlangga) could be more motivated to create new jobs.
The broadcast of HIPMI PT UNAIR inauguration was carried out directly at Ngide Space Surabaya while still implementing strict health protocols. The activity was attended by Muhammad Luthfy, SE, M.Si. as Chairman of HIPMI SURABAYA for 2019-2022, Adilah Daffadany Rabbani, ST as COO of Jokopi, and Imron Hamzah, SE, MM as CEO of Anterin.id as well as President Commissioner of PT. Envy Technologies Indonesia Tbk.
Saad as Head of HIPMI PT UNAIR revealed that there were several main points conveyed in this activity. First is the Inauguration of HIPMI PT UNAIR for 2020-2021. Then, it was continued with a talk show about how youths started doing business and creating jobs.
The student of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR said that in one period of his management, HIPMI would not only be brought to UNAIR. In the future Saad will strive and help UNAIR students to develop more in entrepreneurship.
“We will also collaborate with HIPMI in other universities, HIPMI PT Surabaya, BPC Surabaya and HIPMI JATIM and the national management,” he added.
Saad emphasized that in the future HIPMI will spread entrepreneurship, conduct free mentoring and seek funding for UNAIR students’ entrepreneurship. These efforts will be formulated and arranged in such a way to advance entrepreneurship in UNAIR at national level.
At the end, Saad hoped that the university, especially UNAIR Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation and Alumni (DPKKA) would provide a lot of support to HIPMI PT UNAIR. Appreciation, support, and gratitude was also presented to the committee, presenters and invited guests of the inauguration, from various organizations, companies and communities.
“Hopefully in the future, HIPMI PT UNAIR can collaborate and work with DPKKA to reach more UNAIR students and alumni,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Sandi Prabowo
Editor: Khefti Al MAwalia