Four UNAIR Nursing students complete their master’s studies in three semesters

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UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga has held a judicium ceremony for 33 students consisting of 28 undergraduate and 5 master students on Wednesday, February 10, 2021. The event was held online through the Zoom Cloud MeetingThe judicium is an academic process that involves announcing student grades and graduation from the entire academic process.

The Judicium event was opened with a prayer led by Dr. Makhfudli, S.Kep. Ns., M.Ked. Trop and continued with the announcement of outstanding students from the master program by Dr. Retno Indrawati, S.Kp., M.Kep.

The first outstanding student of the master’s program, Dyah Priyantini, who has completed the master study in only three semesters with 3 other students under Prof. Dr. Nursalam M. Nurs. (Hons) and Dr. Tintin Sukartini, S.Kp., M.Kes.

Then, it was followed by the announcement of the first outstanding student from the transfer undergraduate program, Puput Ika Retnowati with a GPA of 3.83, second place was Sutejo with a GPA of 3.83, and third place was Widiyas Ulfia Rachma with a GPA of 3.79.

Dyah Priyantini thanked Prof. Nursalam and Dr. Tintin as the supervisor. She added that she was an ordinary student, but with their guidance, Dyah gained a lot of new things in this master’s program. So, Dyah can finish her studies on time. She believes that as long as someone is willing to fight, they will definitely get what they want followed by prayers to make both parents proud.

Then followed by Puput Ika R. who also gave her impression. She thanked UNAIR Faculty of Nursing lecturers and staff, especially the supervisors who had guided her in the preparation of her thesis. She hoped that later she can apply the knowledge obtained in the next institution.

The event continued with a remarks from the Dean of Faculty of Nursing Prof Ah Yusuf. S.Kp., M.Kes.

“For undergraduate nursing students, please continue at the professional stage. Because nursing is an applied science. So if you haven’t continued to the professional stage, you can’t say that you are a nurse,” explained Prof. Yusuf.

Prof. Yusuf also congratulated 4 master’s students who have become role models for graduating early after three semesters. He hoped that it can inspired the next classes.

He hoped that in the future, students can work and promote goodness of UNAIR Faculty of Nursing institutions. He advised the graduated students to maintain the good reputation of the alma mater, especially Faculty of Nursing so that the goodness in it could be developed and finally it could bring benefits to the surrounding environment. (*)

Author:  Khoirunnisa S

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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