UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga delegates won essay, poster, and educational video categories in the 2021 Smart Nursing Competition (SNC) competition on Friday, January 29, 2021. The 2021 SNC event is a competition organized by the Director General of Professional Education, ILMIKI Region 5.
The theme was The Role of Nurses in The Response of COVID-19 Pandemic. The aim is to prepare a nurse’s competence and professionalism to deal with problems such as COVID-19 pandemic.
Titis Mustikowati said that participating in this competition was one of UNAIR Student Executive Board’s programs aimed at gaining reputation for UNAIR Faculty of Nursing. In addition, it is also to hone students’ abilities and competitiveness, to establish good relationships between nursing undergraduate students, and to be a forum for nursing students to develop their potential both intellectually and technically.
“Actually, this program was quite sudden to become the BEM program, but seeing that UNAIR students had potential even though amid of final exam schedule and uprak (practicum exam, ed), UNAIR delegates were able to make the most of it and Alhamdulillah they all won,” explained Titis.
Faculty of Nursing (FKp) UNAIR delegates who won were Kiki Sama Sari Millenia and Khoirunnisa Suhandarini as 1st Place of Scientific Essay category, Azizia Kanya Fathiarachman’s; Rizky Bagoes Alfian and Titis Mustikowati was named 1st Place for Publication Poster; as well as Ema Tri Restanti, Amanda Apriliya, and Andi Warda KI as 3rd Place in Educational Video.
“This work program is always held every two years. My friends and I are very grateful to represent FKp UNAIR. I also did not expect FKp UNAIR to win in all categories of the competition,” explained Titis.
Titis hoped that it will be a stepping stone and a good start in 2021. She hoped that other UNAIR delegates can make Faculty of Nursing (FKp) proud in future competitions and become a spirit for students to continue making achievements and develop their potential.
She added that almost every year, UNAIR delegates won the SNC competition. However, it does not mean that they are satisfied and it must be an encouragement for the UNAIR delegates in the future to gain good reputation. (*)
Author: Khoirunnisa S
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh