UNAIR journals gain most national and international accreditation

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Journal Illustrations at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). (Photo: Bastian Ragas)
Journal Illustrations at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – Based on the Accreditation Result for the 3rd Period 2020 of the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Innovation Research Agency (Kemenristek / BRIN), many journals at Universitas Airlangga have received national and international accreditation. There are 80 UNAIR accredited journals, 1 Scopus indexed journal, 1 ESCI journal, 5 ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) journals, 45 SINTA indexed journals and 28 DOAJ indexed journals.

UNAIR applies the principles of professional publication both in terms of quality and publication ethics, as the main concern of academic integrity. “This achievement achieved because we followed the direction of the leadership, it illustrates that UNAIR is serious and committed to improving the quality of journals within UNAIR,” said Ferry Efendi S.Kep.Ns., M.Sc., PhD., as Secretary of LIPJPHKI. (Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights)

One form of commitment made by UNAIR through LIPJPHKI in terms of journal management at UNAIR is to form a mentoring team. Ferry said there were three targets for the mentoring team for UNAIR journal management.

“First, we assist and encourage journal management to be high-quality, credible and reliable. Second, encourage the quality improvement of scientific articles in terms of substantiality. Then, the three teams also assessed the indexation status of each journal in UNAIR, whether the reputation of national and international databases had been indexed, “he said.

On the other hand, Ferry revealed that a harmonious relationship in coordination and communication with the journal management team at faculties is the key to the success of journal indexation. “We work together in harmony in improving the quality and professional management of journals, which will determine the success of indexation,” he said.

In addition to mentoring driven journals, LIPJPHKI also supports and provides various tools for UNAIR journal managers. For example, continued Ferry, we have prepared an OJS3 (Open journal system) platform to upgrade OJS2, then there is the Sinta Tools which functions as tracking number of citations of UNAIR journals, as well as making it easier for visitors to quote UNAIR journals.

“In addition to these tools, we also upgrade our journal manager skills, because most journal managers often publish journals and have additional assignments to manage their respective faculty journals,” he said.

In improving the knowledge and skills of journal managers, especially how to professionally manage journals, increase editing capacity, and how to manage incoming manuscripts until journal reviews, LIPJPHKI always supervises and holds several training workshops.

“This year, the workshop target is to collaborate with two giant publishers, Elsevier and Web of Science Clarivate Analytics. Elsevier provides services to UNAIR because we subscribe to scopus.com to monitor the quality of journals, then with Web of Science publisher Clarivate Analytics, to oversee the indexation of ESCI (Emerging Sources Citaton Index), “he explained.

One of the challenges of LIPJPHKI is the diversity of journal authors, the diversity means variety of authors from national and international. “Getting foreign authors is not an easy thing, it needs strategy and branding in order to attract authors to submit their works,” he explained.

Ferry hoped that the number of journals indexed by international reputation, either Scopus or ESCI, can be accelerated and encouraged so UNAIR can compete and be recognized internationally. (*)

Author: Dimar Herfano

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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