First Executive Board Meeting 2021, Rector: Key to achievements is quality

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih gives remarks and directions in leadership meeting. (Illustration by zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – Executive board meeting (rapim) of Universitas Airlangga is held again. Unlike the previous years, this time the annual meeting was held online via zoom on Wednesday, February 3.

As the opening session of the two-day activity, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE, MT, Ak. gave a speech describing various achievements made in 2020. He said that many achievements had been made in the middle of quite challenging year, amid pandemic conditions that require various adjustments.

“2020 was indeed a difficult and challenging year. In some sectors, to be able to survive is a miracle, “said Prof. Nasih

The covid-19 pandemic, continued Prof. Nasih, has caused many changes, not only in the health sector, but also in the education sector. Although the impact is not obvious, universities must be able to make adjustments.

“With a pandemic, we still have to be grateful by maximizing adjustments. One thing we must be grateful for is online learning that we have designed since 10 years ago. If before Covid AULA service was not optimal, now the AULA service we have can accelerate and can be optimized properly, “he explained.

Furthermore, in front of all officials attending through zoom application, Prof. Nasih did not forget to thank all elements of UNAIR academic community who have worked optimally. The collective hard work, he continued, is one of the efforts to make achievements, such as  Top 521-530 position in the world, Top 124 in Asia, Top 20 in Southeast Asia, and 4th best in Indonesia.

“The achievement of this top position is a joint effort and a proof that UNAIR can advance further,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasih also emphasized that the position achieved were not only shown in numbers. He explained, there are many indicators and details that lead the university achieving these goals, a long process and collaboration from all parties.

“The key to achievements is quality, from the quality of academics, research, dedication, and alumni. Indeed, we have shown quality and the achieved position is an indicator showing that quality, “he explained.

The 13th Rector of UNAIR also explained that 2021 is not an easy year. In fact, 2021 is predicted to be more challenging and more difficult than 2020. For that, Prof. Nasih again emphasized that all elements of the civitas should not be lax in making more contributions.

“Contribution should not be lacking, we hope mutual cooperation and collaboration between all elements of the academic community can be better because conditions in 2021 are not easier than in 2020. We all understand that it is very possible; we will feel the impact of Covid-19 in 2021. Therefore, we must maintain our morale in facing the challenges in 2021, “explained Prof. Nasih.

At the end, before closing the opening speech, Prof. Nasih appreciates the enthusiasm and support of all parties for the implementation of the meeting online. If in previous years it was carried out outside the city face-to-face, this time amid of a pandemic, an online event is held.

“Of course it will be a history for all of us and we hope this does not reduce our enthusiasm to continue making contributions for the nation and our beloved alma mater, Universitas Airlangga,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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