UNAIR NEWS – There is something different from the 63rd Community Service Program (KKN) Learning with Community (BBM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). In previous years, KKN-BBM was only carried out in East Java region, this time the coverage has expanded.
Based on the statements from of Head of UNAIR Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Dr. Gadis Meinar Sari, dr., M.Kes, students participating in KKN-BBM this time are spread across 24 provinces throughout Indonesia. “Since the pandemic Covid-19, everyone has returned to their hometowns. So this time, KKN is widely spread, from Aceh to Papua, in total there are 24 provinces, ” she explained in an interview on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.
Gadis added, there were 2,148 students scattered in various regions participating in KKN, including in Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Riau Islands, Sumatra, Papua, to West Nusa Tenggara. It makes this KKN-BBM activity considered as a national KKN.
Apart from the wider coverage, she continued, the implementation of the 63rd KKN-BBM was also different. She directed students to carry out KKN online as much as possible.
However, offline activities can still be done by enforcing strict health protocols. “Dissemination in the form of counseling that gathers a lot of people, can be done online,” she said.

Meanwhile, the KKN activity which has been taking place since January 17, 2021 has four main fields of work, Health Sector which focuses on Covid-19 and vaccinations, Education Sector for the eradication of illiteracy.
There is also the Economic Empowerment Sector with a family economic empowerment program during a pandemic, as well as the Environmental Sector with eco-green and eco-tourism.
“This work program is different from previous implementation. We make these excellent programs following the Rector’s direction, so they are more focused on the current needs, “said Gadis.
As an example, Ismara Nareswari, KKN participant from Balikpapan and student of Public Health Program focused on providing counseling regarding Covid-19, vaccinations, and the 5M movement, to housewives in Klandasan Ilir Village, Balikpapan.
Ismara also conducted dissemination on balanced nutrition by targeting mothers of infants and toddlers. “I try to educate residents, especially housewives, so they gained more knowledge on Covid-19 and balanced nutrition,” said Ismara.
According to Gadis, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was to spread the implementation and benefits of students’ 63rd Community Service Program throughout Indonesia. “The KKN activity this time can be considered as a national KKN, although 80 percent is in East Java,” she said.
“We hope that this activity will give a positive impact and UNAIR’s role can be felt during a pandemic. Through students’ community service conducted throughout the archipelago from Aceh to Papua, ” she concluded. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh