DokterSafe Application

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Ilustrasi Bastian Ragas
Ilustrasi Bastian Ragas

As the number of Covid-19 patients in Indonesia increases, the workload for health workers increases as well. As a result, the number of medical personnel exposed to Covid-19 has also increased.

Inspired by this issue, Faculty of Medicine(FK) UNAIR took the initiative to create DokterSafe application. Dr. Muhammad Shoifi  SpOT (K) as the Project Manager of DokterSafe said the application was useful for protecting medical personnel who are struggling to treat Covid-19 patients.

As an application for the nation’s children, DokterSafe is developed with the aim of being a medium of information, communication and education for protection and safety, especially for doctors and health workers in amid Covid-19 pandemic.

“I hope that in the future there will be more IT-based applications in the health sector. I think this is good for the efficiency of our health services,“

Budi Gunadi Sadikin – Minister of Health


  • Independent assessment to detect conditions and risks to COVID-19.
  • Access to the latest information of situation and condition of COVID-19 updated every day.
  • Access to important links (WHO, COVID-19 Handling Task Force, and Ministry of Health).
  • Videos and books as educational media.
  • Important hotline, which can be contacted when there are doctors and health workers affected by COVID-19.
  • GPS feature, to detect the whereabouts of the user and the nearest COVID-19 referral hospital.

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