Effect of Work Family Conflict on Job Performance Through Emotional Exhaustion

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Illustration by Harian Birawa

The hospital is a place that prioritizes service to the community. This good service is very much determined by the employees and nurses who work at the hospital (Rahmawati, 2015). According to Law No. 13 of 2003, employees are every person who works in an organization by receiving wages or other forms of reward according to their performance and responsibilities. Generally, job performance leads to a person’s positive attitude about their job or work situation (McGinley, Hanks, & Line, 2017). The responsibilities and requirements in the workplace will affect both the level of Work to family conflict (WFC) and isolation caused by the workplace that are felt by workers. However, construction related Family to work conflict (FWC) conflicts may not always depend on work. Conflict between family life and work is defined as the extent to which the responsibilities and obligations of family life can interfere with a person’s work domain (McGinley et al., 2017). Conflict between family and work is often constant, as individuals experience stress and strain in caring for children or elderly family members regardless of their professional expectations. Therefore, Work to family conflict (WFC) is proposed as a factor of Family to work conflict (FWC) and it causes an influence at work on a person’s attitude towards their job performance.

Research conducted by Karatepe (2013) found that emotional exhaustion fully mediates between work-family conflict and job performance. This means that when a worker experiences a work-family conflict, a worker will experience emotional exhaustion which results in the worker getting angry easily which in turn will affect the performance of the worker concerned. A worker who has experienced emotional exhaustion will not be able to work optimally, this is because the worker will feel that there is no psychological energy in carrying out his profession. Emotional exhaustion is expressed as “the depletion of emotional and cognitive resources that operate through internal processes” (Lawson & Lee, 2018). A worker who experiences depletion of emotional resources will affect his performance because emotional exhaustion indicates the strain and stress associated with feelings that have the potential to experience losses at work.

Based on the initial interview conducted with the head of the IGD Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung, it is known that the performance of the nurses is indeed stable, but the head of the IGD RSUD Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung has concerns about conflicts that occur between family and work as a nurse, considering that the majority of nurses are married. Head of IGD added that emergency room nurses must work professionally to serve each patient maximally. The choice of location in this study was based on data obtained from the BPS of Tulungagung Regency, where it is known that the development of the district minimum wage (UMK) of the former Kediri Regency of Tulungagung Regency has experienced a significant growth rate of MSEs, especially from 2015 to 2016. This increase It appears that in 2015 it amounted to IDR 1,273,050 to IDR 1,420,000 in 2016, which is the highest increase compared to other districts in the former Kediri Residency. The former Kediri Residency consists of Tulungagung Regency, Kediri Regency, Nganjuk Regency, Trenggalek Regency and Blitar Regency.

Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, the conclusion in this study is that Work to Family Conflict (WFC) has a significant effect on Job Performance in emergency room nurses at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung, Family to Work Conflict (FWC) has a significant effect on Job Performance in the emergency room nurses of Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung, Emotional Exhaustion mediates the relationship between Work to Family Conflict (WFC) and Job Performance in emergency room nurses at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung, and Emotional Exhaustion mediated the relationship between Family to Work Conflict (FWC) and Job Performance in emergency room nurses at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung. Therefore, according to Chummar, Singh, & Ezzedeen, (2019) it is necessary to have a positive mood and good skill acquisition in order to expand resources and overcome the available emotional exhaustion to do a good job and then to produce high job performance.

Author: Prof. Dr. Anis Eliyana, S.E., M.Si.

Details of this research available at:


(The effect of work family conflict on job performance through emotional exhaustion)

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