UNAIR NEWS – The beginning of the year is the right time for student organizations to start their management. After being officially appointed in the Election forum (Pemira), Sherina Safitri and M. Nur Mahyail were inaugurated as Head and Deputy of Banyuwangi Public Health Association (B-PHA) UNAIR Banyuwangi on January 2, 2021.
Released by the official B-PHA Instagram account on January 15, 2021, the vision and mission to be realized by Pelita Cakrawala cabinet are as follows:
VISION: Realizing B-PHA as a means of improving solidarity and being an open platform for undergraduate students of Public Health Sciences at PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi in order to be active, to provide solutions and to contribute in the field of Public Health.
MISSION: (1) To organize activities participated by all undergraduate students of Public Health Sciences PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi. (2) To support a harmonious FKM atmosphere in order to strengthen the sense of kinship between members. (3) To invite undergraduate students of UNAIR PSDKU Public Health in Banyuwangi to participate actively in academic and non-academic development activities. (4) To encourage undergraduate students of UNAIR PSDKU Public Health in Banyuwangi to play their roles and responsibilities in the field of Public Health through studies on health issues and simultaneous outreach.
Nur Mahyail, Deputy of B-PHA, when contacted by the UNAIR NEWSteam on Friday, January 22, explained further about the vision.
“So our vision focuses on improving solidarity in B-PHA and also making B-PHA a means for FKM PSDKU friends to improve selves,” he explained.
The student known well as Yail revealed that until now, there have not been many activities carried out since they were officially inaugurated because they were waiting for the campus funding policy and the issuance of a new period management decree (SK). Even so, they still carried out some basic and important activities.
“But because there are several activities that must be carried out such as a welcoming party and some routine activities in the form of uploading content on Instagram, such as graphic info on natural disasters and ISMKMI directions by HPC, scholarship information by IN-APP and there are also condolences by SAS,” he explained.
There are not many things that Yail personally hoped for the management this year. He hoped that B-PHA will be better and it can realize its vision and mission.
“Hopefully it can make B-PHA even better in the future and hopefully the vision and mission of B-PHA and the cabinet can be realized well,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Rista Novianti
Editor : Nuri Hermawan