UNAIR NEWS – At the end of previous year, Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) reformed its structures from three departments into two departments, Advanced Nursing and Basic Nursing. As Head of the Department of Advanced Nursing Dr. Yulis Setiya Dewi, S.Kp.Ns., M.Ng., stated that the department inaugurated last December oversees three programs: Nursing Master’s Program, Nursing Doctoral Program, and Medical Surgery Specialist Program.
“The previously existing programs are Master’s and Doctoral Programs. The specialists program will run in the upcoming new semester, ”explained the lecturer known well as Yulis.
Regarding the new Specialist Program, Yulis said that the new student selection had been completed and the curriculum draft had also been submitted to the Rector. Therefore, he said there were no special obstacles and the department was ready to carry out the learning for the new program.
Furthermore, the lecturer who was born in Jember also said that her party will develop partnerships with institutions in the country and abroad. The cooperation is related to the fields of research, comparative studies, student exchanges, and other programs. To make this happen, the steps will be taken in the forms of innovation-based lecture program.
“So far, the collaboration program taking place in 2020 was clinical application innovation with UM (University of Malaya, ed). In this cooperation, students bring data and problems in Surabaya to develop related innovations by observing best practices and consulting experts at UM, ” she explained.
Yulis said the establishment of institutions related to the programs under her management has become a challenge and competition in attracting students. Even so, she remains optimistic that her department can become a place stakeholder rely on.
“I hope the Department of Advanced Nursing can give the best contribution to the community, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), and the entire academic community. Furthermore, all the programs under it hopefully can become examples and role models for similar programs in Indonesia, ” she concluded. (*)
Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah
Editor: Feri Fenoria