Effect of transformational leadership on employee creative self efficacy with creative role identity as a mediation variables

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In the digital era, competition in the business world is very competitive. Companies will be required to always develop quickly and maintain organizational growth. In a highly competitive situation, companies must always improve themselves, see the opportunities that exist and are always required to make innovations in order to adapt to changes that occur in the business environment. According to Kim, (2019) as an important aspect of maintaining organizational growth, creativity in organization is needed because it refers to the generation and introduction of ideas and applicable solutions for organizations. One of the existing solutions to deal with changes in the environment and to maintain organizational growth, companies can optimize the management and utilization of human resources appropriately in carrying out the innovation process with creativity.

Global market competitiveness and rapid technological changes have shortened product and business life cycles, and as a result transformational leadership, creativity and innovation have become causal factors for the survival and success of modern business organizations (Kark et al., 2018). Both employees and superiors play an important role in developing and maintaining a creative and innovative organization (Gumusluoglu et al., 2017).

Through transformational leadership, it can create significant change for followers and organizations by creating the ability to direct changes in the strategy, mission, structure and culture of the organization, and can promote products and innovation (Mustika et al., 2020). So that a leader with a transformational leadership style is able to create an influence that leads to a process of innovation in achieving organizational goals.

On the other hand, according to Mittal & Dhar, (2015) organizations need to build a creative environment so that the results of creative work can help achieve a competitive advantage over the organization. Therefore, to maintain sustainable growth and success, organizations need to support employee creativity by developing employee creative self-efficacy (CSE). The emergence of creative selfefficacy as a domain of creativity was first noted (Bandura, 1997). According to Anggarwati & Eliyana, (2015) creative self-efficacy is different from self-efficacy in general because it focuses on individual beliefs about skills and creative potential in him, and also creative self-efficacy is an individual’s belief in his ability to produce new works or ideas. creative. It is known that individuals with good creative self-efficacy are one of the factors that contribute to the ease of creative thinking or the creation of creative products.

Employees who have creative self-efficacy are employees who know their creative role identity. According to Farmer et al., (2003) role identity will reflect whether a person views himself as a creative person, and creative selfefficacy reflects the extent to which a person believes that he has the ability to produce creative results. The role of employees who have a very high level of confidence in the completion of work is highly expected by leaders, and how they will be treated in their work and the rewards they might get when they can meet the job targets given by the company is a reciprocal process.

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2012, 91.68 Indonesians who live in urban areas to rural areas aged 10 years and over watch television, where television has now become part of the social life of Indonesian society. Apart from that, it is not only a part of technological development, but also a medium to meet people’s needs for entertainment, information, education and others. Supported by the results of research from the Nielsen survey institute in 2014 conducted in ten major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Semarang, Bandung, Makassar, Yogyakarta, Palembang, Denpasar, and Banjarmasin with community respondents over five years of age, stated that the average per day of Indonesian people watching television is 5 hours 1 minute for people on the island of Java, and 5 hours 12 minutes for people outside Java. (http://rona.metrotvnews.com/read/2014/05/22/2446 89/ Indonesian society-watching-tv-five-hours-a-day).

In this study, employees of PT. Jawa Pos Media Televisi (JTV) as the object of research. PT. Jawa Pos Media Televisi (JTV) is a local or regional television company in Indonesia, as well as one of the local TV stations broadcasting in East Java. Employees who will be the objects of this research are employees who work in the editing and programming division, where both divisions require a very high level of creative self-efficacy. Because the editing and programming division will be directly related to the creation and broadcasting of programs at PT. Jawa Pos Media Televisi (JTV).

Some researchers believe that employee creativity can be successfully nurtured by a transformational leadership style (Mittal & Dhar, 2015). Transformational leadership leaders will work to initiate the creative abilities of employees so that they can find creative solutions to problems that may occur. As explained by Bass (1985), leaders with transformational leadership have a clear vision for their organization and also have the skills to encourage employees to start thinking in new ways to find creative solutions to specific problems. In addition, to be able to jointly produce a good quality of work through creativity that will be well formed.

With the very high competition in the world of television media business, it requires a very high level of employee creativity in order to remain competitive with other private or local television media companies. In addition to requiring a level of employee creativity, companies also need the role of a leader who is able to motivate employees to be able to issue or convey their creative ideas and innovations in competing in the world of television media. Based on this description, the authors are interested in conducting research with the title: The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Creative Self-Efficacy of employees with Creative Role Identity as a Mediation Variable for Employees of PT. Jawa Pos Media Televisi (JTV).

Based on the results of the analysis and hypothesis testing that has been carried out in this study, it is concluded that transformational leadership has a significant effect on the creative self-efficacy of PT. Jawa Pos Media Televisi (JTV). Thus, the first hypothesis proposed in this study is proven to be true. Then, it is also known that transformational leadership has a significant effect on creative self-efficacy through creative role identity as mediation. Thus, the second hypothesis proposed in this study is also proven to be true. In this study it is also stated that the mediation test includes partial mediation because the direct effect and the indirect effect are both significant. So that this research can support the statement according to Kim, (2019) which states that an important aspect of maintaining organizational growth, creativity in organization is needed because it refers to generating activities and introducing ideas and applicable solutions for organizations. One of the existing solutions to deal with changes in the environment and to maintain organizational growth, companies can optimize the management and utilization of human resources appropriately in carrying out the innovation process with creativity. This research has been shown to influence the innovation process with the creative behavior and competence of employees of the editorial and creative division of PT. Jawa Pos Media Televisi (JTV) Surabaya with the influence of transformational leadership, creative self-efficacy, and creative role identity variables.

The results of this study can be used as recommendations by the company’s management regarding the effect of transformational leadership on employee creative selfefficacy with creative role identity as a mediating variable. This can affect employees in realizing that their work requires creative ideas, because creative self-efficacy is proven to have an impact on increasing employee creativity, and can influence employees to stay aware of their creative role identity so that employees are able to generate creative self-efficacy in help solve or solve problems in their work. In addition, seen through the average results on the creative self-efficacy variable, the lowest is 3.58 and this is the editorial and creative division employees of PT. Jawa Pos Media Televisi (JTV) Surabaya stated that they are able to come up with unusual ideas. Although it is still in the high category, these results show the smallest average. So it is necessary for every employee to explore more things related to their work so that they have broader ideas, because this is needed in influencing employee confidence to be creative so that it will have an impact on increasing employee creativity

Author: Anis Eliyana

Details of this research available at:


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