UNAIR alumnus publishes book on legendary club Arseto Solo from 1977 to 1998

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Arseto Solo team. (Photo: By courtesy)
Arseto Solo team. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – “Reading is an activity to gain insight, while writing is a work for eternity,” said Tony Prasetyo on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.

Tony is a History major alumnus of UNAIR Faculty of Humanities  who has recently published his work. The book entitled “Between Business and Football in Solo: The Gait of the Arseto Club 1977-1998” reviewed the journey of Arseto Solo club from 1977 to 1998 and various companies behind the big club full of star players.

Tony said that his book was the result of a thesis he had worked on from 2018 to 2020. Publishing a book about the history of the football club is also his attempt to document the journey and glory of a football club in Indonesia in the past.

Tony Prasetyo with his book. (Photo: Personal documentation)

There are not many books about the history of Indonesian football clubs in the past. Tony also acknowledged that the community still wants Arseto Solo to return and compete on the national football stage. Therefore, he hopes that his book can treat the people’s longing for Arseto Solo, which had once triumphed in the national arena.

“This book aims to unite pieces of Arseto Solo’s past. Readers are expected to understand proud memories as well as a form of appreciation for the clubs, players and management who have raised Arseto Solo,” he said.

The book was compiled by Tony using historical research methods. The sources are newspapers and magazines in various libraries and archives, such as Medayu Agung Library, the AWS Stikosa Library, the Surakarta Press Monument, and collectors of old newspapers and magazines.

As supporting data, Tony also interviewed one of Arseto Solo management and players in the past. It is also supported by references and books in UNAIR History Library and UNS Library, with supports from his colleague, Rizal Andi Pratama who authored “Pardedetex Medan: Legendary Club in Medan 1968-1984”.

While collecting data, Tony met many people who wanted Arseto Solo to compete again in national football. They consider Arseto Solo to be a part of Solo society.

Arseto is a football club that shaped the Galatama competition as a professional competition. It can be done thanks to the support of the Cendana company network which helped Arseto Solo to become a respected and accomplished club in its time. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan S

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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