Docking in Makassar, RSTKA increases crew and logistics before heading to Mamuju

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Relief aid received by the team in Makassar before leaving for Mamuju. (Photo:
Relief aid received by the team in Makassar before leaving for Mamuju. (Photo:

UNAIR NEWS – Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital (RSTKA) which was going to West Sulawesi is now in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Wednesday, January 20, 2021in the morning at 03.00 WITA. Apart from the weather factor, the ship docked complete the supplies and logistics. However, the Director of RSTKA dr. Agus Hariyanto, SpB., said that RSTKA will soon continue its journey to Mamuju and Majene.

“There are many victims who need to be treated immediately, especially those who need surgical services. On the ship there is an operating room that can be used by surgeons, general practitioners and orthopedic doctors to provide the best service there, “said the RSTKA Field Coordinator.

During docking, according to dr. Agus, the RSTKA ship refueled to continue the journey to Mamuju. The travel time is more or less 5 days, from the previous estimation of 3 days. Furthermore, the ship picked up additional crews, medicine, refilled water, and additional logistics. The logistics include suitable clothes, food, books, and supplies of fresh fish.

Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital docked at Makassar Port. (Photo: )

Meanwhile, the Head of Ksatria Medika Airlangga Foundation, Dr. dr. Christrijogo Sumartono, Sp.An.KAR, who arrived in Mamuju Monday, January 18, 2021, reported that the current condition of the refugees was still scattered. “The residents were very afraid of this earthquake. There are also many victims who do not want to be taken to Mamuju, ” he said.

Currently Dr. Chris is helping coordination at West Sulawesi Provincial Hospital. He helps PDPI (Indonesian Lung Doctors Association) to manage COVID-19 patients. Disaster condition in the midst of a pandemic is very difficult.

“Many COVID-19 patients are neglected. This is because the Covid-19 Handling Task Force did not run due to the disaster. Until Monday night, there has been no PCR test kits at all, “said the anesthetist specialist.

Dr. Chris is paying attention to the mixture of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients at Mamuju Hospital. We do the screening them with an antigen swab. There is no PCR. If you need PCR swab you have to go to Makassar,” he said.

With the swab problem, the AJU 1 Team in collaboration with Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) East Java and Surabaya is ready to carry out a thousand SWAB antigen checks, including 18 health workers who will assist in Mamuju. They consist of 2 pharmacists, 2 surgeons, 2 anesthetists, 4 general practitioners, 4 general nurses, 2 anesthetist nurses, and 2 surgical nurses.

The team is also equipped with laboratory equipment, Hazmat Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), N95 masks, and hand sanitizers. Then, the floating hospital also carry five large tents measuring 4 x 8 meters. The tent will function as a place to separate patients as well as a resting place for the disaster management team. (*)

Author: Dimar Herfano

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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