Anti-vaccine movement emerges, UNAIR Sociology expert gives response

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UNAIR NEWS – The implementation of Covid-19 vaccine program which has been started in Indonesia is a hot topic of discussion among the public. There are groups of people who support the government’s efforts. But there were also groups of people who were against it until a movement called the anti-vaccine movement emerged.

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Sociology expert, Prof. Dr. Musta’in Mashud gave his response regarding this issue. According to Prof. Musta’in, the existence of different information from experts, the lack of knowledge, and understanding of the community regarding Covid-19 cause the public’s distrust.

Moreover, many issues, rumors, and information that are wildly circulating through social media have also caused public’s trust in the Covid-19 vaccine get even lower.

“If people, who from the beginning did not understand, doubt and did not believe, continue to get unconfirmed information, they will continue to reject the Covid-19 vaccine. Moreover, there is no law that requires the use of the vaccine, “he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Musta’in said that the Covid-19 pandemic was not only a personal threat, but threatened groups, communities and society. So, if one of the people refuses to be vaccinated, it will endanger other people because Covid-19 is a disease that is transmitted through social interactions.

“Covid-19 can be transmitted when someone communicates and gathers closely with other people, even though these activities are a symbol of our culture’s identity of communality. The closer we are, the more familiar and the better we are culturally. It is not a problem of our immunity, ”he explained.

“The problem is that Covid-19 is threatening us. The vaccination that the government has programmed is aimed at making all people to have good immunity so they will survive the threat of Covid-19, “he added on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.

In order to overcome the anti-vaccine movement, continued Prof. Musta’in, dissemination related to Covid-19 and vaccines need to be done comprehensively. Thus, the public will understand, and realize better the importance of following health protocols and accepting vaccination program.

With accurate and factual information, continued Prof. Musta’in, the community will be able to sort and choose adaptive behavior according to health protocosl and accept the vaccination program. According to him, when the community has realized and felt the importance of maintaining their health, their family and their environment, then this situation is called internalized. It means that health protocols and vaccinations have become a necessity.

Prof. Mustain added that there should be a social control that is not only carried out by state officials, but also by community leaders, youth and stakeholders.

“Control of people who violate health protocols should be carried out by residents, the community and family who are aware (internalized , ed) that maintaining health and safety from the threat of Covid-19 is important to do,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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