Officially inaugurated, BEM FV prepare 12 programs

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Head of Faculty of Vocational Studies Student Executive Board for 2021 Muhammad Rifqi Athallah (left) and Deputy, Annisa Maulidya. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – At the end of 2020, the 2021 UNAIR Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Student Executive Board (BEM) was officially inaugurated. The elected pair Muhammad Rifqi Athallah and Annisa Maulidya will lead BEM FV for one year.

During an interview, Rifqi and Annisa introduced the Positive Provocation Cabinet as their cabinet.

“Provocation here means supporting the Faculty of Vocational Studies, while positive stands for Axis, Synergy, and Communicative,” said Rifqi on Tuesday evening, January 5, 2021.

In accordance with the tagline, Rifqi wants to bring synergy and harmony between elements in FV through 12 excellent programs that are ready to be realized. To achieve this goal, at least there are several concepts that will become the new face of BEM FV.

First, Optimizing Communication by strengthening the function of social media. Mainly as a means of establishing good relationships that are synergistic and harmonious.

Furthermore, Presenting Responsive and Providing Solutions by developing BEM FV as an organization that is sensitive and provides solutions to the problems of FV students. “As the axis of student movement, we accommodate and channel our friends’ aspirations. For that service and advocacy will be optimized, “he concluded.

Third, Building Critical Thinking and Initiating Action by fostering mental and critical thinking in students. The goal, continued Rifqi, is for students to have the courage to act actively in responding to policies and arising issues.

Finally, the Marketing Management student class of 2019 also mentioned the Mindset Revolution. Through this idea, he wanted FV to be seen as equal and have the same opportunities as other faculties.

“So far, our impression as a faculty that has only been established for a few years is not yet equal to other friends. This is a matter of mindset that we need to change,” said the alumnus of SMA N 1 Puri Mojokerto.

Meanwhile, Rifqi said that there are ‘homeworks’ to do. One of them is the target of internationalization and improvement of student achievements. Therefore, he plans to involve foreign students in BEM FV community service activities and initiate some mentoring programs.

Furthermore, Rifqi also explained several updates carried out. For example, the rearranged ministerial order. The Cabinet Secretary Ministry, which previously handled all BEM secretarial matters, is now merged with the Cabinet Ministry of Finance.

“In total there are 12 ministries, including the new Ministry, Cabinet Administration,” he said.

Although both of them have been active in organizations since they were in middle school, Rifqi and Annisa hope to always be strong in serving their alma mater according to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. He also prayed that the performance of BEM FV would run optimally and be useful, both for all elements of Faculty of Vocational Studies, especially for UNAIR.

“Hopefully, the actions of all Faculty of Vocational Studies BEM administrators can become a fresh air and a warm glow that is always able to create a sense of comfort and serenity for all faculty members,” he hoped. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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