UNAIR NEWS – Monday, November 30, 2020, Universitas Airlangga’s Healthy Mother and Child Movement (GELIAT), in collaboration with United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), held a meeting with policymakers in East Java Province. The meeting was held in the context of advocacy and commitment support to expand immunization coverage in East Java.
The meeting was motivated by the challenge to carry out immunizations during the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting was held online through one of the video conference platforms, Zoom, and streamed live through the Geliat Airlangga YouTube channel.
The meeting entitled “High-Level Meeting: Strengthening Commitment to Immunization for All Children in East Java” was attended by each representative from the East Java Provincial Health Office, Regency/City Health Office, East Java Development Planning Board (BAPPEDA), Regency / City BAPPEDA, East Java Family Welfare Movement (PKK), Regency / City PKK, Regency / City Aisyiyah Community, Regency / City NU Muslimat, UNICEF, Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) East Java, Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI) East Java, Indonesian Midwife Association (IBI) East Java, Indonesian Nurses Association East Java, Indonesian Pubic Health Expert Association (IAKMI) East Java, Indonesian Public Health Scholar and Professional Association East Java, and journalists.
“In this pandemic era, we need to strengthen further our efforts to improve immunization coverage for our children,” said the person in charge of Geliat Airlangga, Dr. Nyoman Anita Damayanti, drg., M.S.
This statement was supported by Inna Mahanani, drg., M.Kes., a speaker from the East Java Provincial Health Office. “If immunization has to be postponed, health workers or cadres must continue to list targets who have not received immunization. With principle target outreach, by using the method of tracking babies and toddlers who have not got complete immunizations and giving immunizations at the next immediate opportunity, there will be no children unprotected,” said Inna.
Furthermore, a form of support to strengthen the immunization program was made by the publication of a guidebook to improve the knowledge and understanding of officers about the immunization program. It was conveyed by Dr. Arief Hargono, drg., M.Kes., UNAIR Faculty of Public Health lecturer. The complementary book on the immunization program operational strategy is the result of the collaboration between Faculty of Public Health, East Java Provincial Health Office, and UNICEF to provide strategies to reduce missed immunization opportunities, which can be utilized by health workers.
Strengthening the commitment to realize immunization for all children in East Java was also shown by signing a commitment sheet at the end of the event. Closing the event, Arie Rukmantara, the head of UNICEF representatives for Java region, expressed his appreciation for East Java Province’s commitment to realizing immunization for all children.
“Immunization is not only the ‘homework’ of East Java, but also of many cities/regencies as well as the world,” said Arie.
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh