UNAIR NEWS – The appeal to stay at home has made people limit their activities except for very important needs, including pregnant women. Pregnant women are indeed at greater risk of being infected with the coronavirus, because their immunity tends to be weaker, even so pregnancy exam still need to be done regularly to monitor the health of the mother and fetus.
During Covid-19 pandemic, there were 17,369 pregnant women and 20% (3,474) of them were pregnant women with complications. This situation motivated Nursing lecturers of Faculty of Vocational Studies and Faculty of Nursing to hold a community service, especially for women with high-risk pregnancy. This community service was carried out to provide education related to antenatal care for pregnant women during the Covid-19 period.
Dr. Lestari sudaryanti,dr., M.Kes., Amellia Mardhika, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes., Arina Qona’ah, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep. and Anestasia Pangestu MT., S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep held a community service at Candisari Village Hall, Sambeng Subdistrict, Lamongan S, on Tuesday, December 15, 2020.
Pregnant women have the obligation to carry out regular health exam both at primary health services and in referral hospitals, especially for women with high-risk pregnant. Health exams during a pandemic require preparation both physically and mentally. Most pregnant women feel anxious when they have to leave the house or have prenatal exam in hospital during a pandemic.
“This activity is expected to increase public knowledge, especially pregnant women with high risk and very high risk in carrying out Ante Natal Care (ANC) during the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Arina Qona’ah, S.Kep., Ns., M .Kep.
In this community service, video presentation was given to pregnant women as information related to ANC in a pandemic situation, in health education activities for pregnant women about how ANC was implemented. The speaker for this activity was Muhammad Ardian CL, dr.SpoG (K)., M.Kes from Universitas Airlangga Hospital who explained about the handling of pregnancy in the pandemic era and new habits. Meanwhile, the material related to services for high-risk pregnant women during the pandemic at Dr. Soegiri Lamongan was conveyed by the Head of Obgyn Clinic, Risnita, Amd. Kep.
However, it did not stop there, an evaluation will be held. The evaluation process will be carried out by questions and answers session by the speaker, the community service team with pregnant women. There was a questionnaire after the event.
“Maternal health greatly affects the fetus, this activity can increase knowledge about ANC and overcome anxiety in pregnant women. Through the results of the evaluation, this activity will be used as recommendation to develop further programs, “concluded Dr. Lestari Sudaryanti, dr., M.Kes
Author: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia