Focusing on realizing social collaboration in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

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Dean of FISIP UNAIR for 2020-2025 Prof. Bagong Suyanto. (Photo:PIH Documentation.)

UNAIR NEWS – Members of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) must be familiar with Prof. Dr. Bagong Suyanto, Drs., M.Si. The professor born in Kertosono, September 6, 1966, has been appointed by Rector of UNAIR as Dean of FISIP for 2020-2025 Period.

In order to develop FISIP UNAIR in the future, Prof. Bagong said that he would focus on realizing social cohesion in FISIP UNAIR, especially in gaining good reputation based on moral and religious values.

“I will build FISIP and develop a reputable UNAIR by laying the foundation for social collaboration among all potentials we have,” said Prof. Bagong.

According to the former UNICEF consultant, social cohesion must be applied not only to academic life, but also to everyday life in campus. “I highlight this because it is closely related to how we work together and create solidarity to develop FISIP UNAIR together,” he said.

To achieve this, some of strategic programs are prepared under Prof Bagong’s leadership, including producing students and graduates with plus qualifications.

Prof. Bagong said that students are the top priority in higher education. As the main subject of learning, he continued, the quality of graduates showed in professional world is the benchmark on how far the efforts have been made.

To create a quality learning climate, Prof. Bagong will provide assistance and facilities to students. Ten best students from each program will be recruited and trained to participate in scientific work competitions. The goal is to add more value to graduates.

“From what I have observed, students are not reluctant to take part in writing competitions. But they are too busy with lectures even though they have sufficient competence to take part in a competition, “he said.

Furthermore, as the main foundation for lecturer competence, Prof. Bagong launched ‘One Course One Textbook’ program. Apart from being used in the learning process, it is also a preparation for lecturers to achieve professorship.

Furthermore, he continued, he would also encourage the development of collaborative international journal article writing programs among fellow lecturers, as FISIP UNAIR has many competent resources.

“I think collaboration between lecturers and staff also needs to be built. It is also related to improving citations and so on, “he said.

Prof. Bagong also plans to implement an automation system in promotion procedures for lecturers and administrative staffs. According to him, digitalization can cut promotion times effectively. “Actually, this is a simple problem, but it often gets stuck,” explained Prof. Bagong. Finally, Prof. Bagong highlighted the problems of welfare and career certainty of education personnel at FISIP. He will address the problems often faced by administrative staffs. If problems can be discussed openly, he said, the work climate will be conducive and maximized. “I hope there will be no more favoritism in certain parts,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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