UNAIR NEWS – The problem of cleanliness is one of the problems that has not been resolved optimally, including reforestation in rural areas, such as in Pacar Kembang village, East Surabaya.
From these problems, Dr. Junairiah, S.Si., M.Kes., one of the UNAIR lecturers and her team held a community service starting from August to December 2020. This online activity empowers youth organizations and Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) groups.
Junairiah said that the existing problems must be handled with environmental and cultivation aspects. Environmental aspects include improving slum areas and using the environment productively.
“The cultivation aspect includes planting and maintaining aloe vera plants. The outputs produced are scientific publications, proceedings and booklets with ISBN,” said the Biology lecturer.
In the environmental aspect, making murals is an option as it is known that the village of Pacar Kembang is one of the slum areas where the walls are not maintained. The workshop process includes sketching, coloring, detailed drawing, and finishing.
“The workshop participants also practiced making various sketches of Remo Dance as a sign of welcome, food and beverage culinary products that show the products produced by the villagers, the Suramadu Bridge is a symbol of Surabaya City, the icon of Bonek, the scenery, gunungan of Wayang and other images, “she explained.

Meanwhile, in the environmental aspect, aloe vera cultivation is carried out by preparing pots and planting media, aloe vera seedlings, planting, maintenance, harvesting and post-harvest methods.
“For the technical implementation, each participant gets a pot of aloe vera, then it is maintained and the results are shown after planting for two months,” she added.
Junairiah also said that these activities did not only create clean, beautiful, safe urban community but also produce good products so that they could increase additional income.
In addition, this service also participates in the PKM CSR 2020 Conference by obtaining certification in Higher Education and Business World category in Empowering Communities in the New Order Era. (*)
Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh