Prof. Emy comments on trending 16 Days of Anti-Violence against Women campaign

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UNAIR NEWS – Recently, 16 Days Anti Violence against Women campaign has been trending. The actual campaign that has been carried out since 1991 will take place from November 25 to December 10.

Prof. Dr. Emy Susanti, Dra., MA, assessed that this activity symbolically shows the importance of public attention to any forms of violence which violate Human Rights (HAM). The number of 16 days was chosen because December 10 is also commemorated as international human rights day.

“In addition, this campaign is also relevant to the current conditions where the rate of violence against women has increased during the pandemic,” she added

The high rate of violence against women amid pandemic, according to the Sociology Lecturer of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), is sociologically due to family functions, which previously happen mostly outside home, now switch to fulltime at home. Meanwhile, home is a domestic realm where women are considered to have an important role.

“If something is missing or cannot be resolved at home, then women and children are the most at risk of being subjected to violence,” explained Prof. Emy.

Two Important Values

Furthermore, the professor focused on Gender Studies highlighted two important values that need to be promoted and become shared responsibility through this action. First, she explained that violence against women has something to do with patriarchal culture. For example, an assumption on a husband abuses his wife being natural. In fact, often women who are victims do not feel that they are victims because society has perpetuated the notion that women are weak and must always give in.

“This campaign is an opportunity to gain understanding of gender based violence as something that should be seen as improper. So the perpetrator can no longer said ‘my son or my wife think it is okay for me to do it’, because it has violated the rights of the victim which could lead to punishment, ” she stressed.

Furthermore, with this campaign activists can collect data on women who have become victims. That way, continued Prof. Emy, the victims can get assistance according to what they need.

“The 16-day movement must be done well, not too loud, most importantly it can educate. For example, by bringing flyers to homes, showing books or films which convey a message about the importance of awareness to violence, etc., ” she explained.

Finally, Prof. Emy hoped that with this campaign all parties can participate and raise awareness to fight violence.

“If there is awareness, social sanctions will work. After that, social sanctions will coincide with legal sanctions and lead to no more violence, ” she concluded.

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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