Graduate from Zimbabwe encourages UNAIR graduates to turn weakness into motivation

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Faith Fore, B.Sc., (Hons)., M.Imun., represents the graduates in graduation ceremony. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS –  Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) graduation ceremony for December 2020 is the most valuable moment for the graduates. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, graduates cannot carry out the graduation procession directly as usual. For this reason, UNAIR held an online graduation for the third time on Saturday, December 5, 2020.

In the sacred procession, Faith Fore, B.Sc., (Hons)., M.Imun., on behalf of the graduates, delivered a speech in the graduation ceremony. According to the graduate from Zimbabwe, it is a great honor for her to have been chosen as the representative of this special day. Not because of her own ability, she represented the graduates, but by the Grace of God Almighty.

“Not because of my own ability, I stand in front of you, but by the Grace of God Almighty. Let us be grateful to God Almighty as even we are in a pandemic situation, we are given good health and can celebrate this happy day, ” she said.

Representing the graduates, Faith said that the graduates have different backgrounds in terms of place of residence, religion, ethnicity, nationality and perspective. However, they have one thing in common, they seek education at UNAIR under the guidance of professors and lecturers.

For her, lecturers and everyone in the educational environment has an important role to play, by providing motivation and emotional encouragement to move forward.

“Seeing us now is of their endless supports(lecturer, ed). Sometimes they are unable to go on and consulted, the lecturers encouraged them to move forward. Give them a shoulder to lean on and emotional support, ” she said.

Faith also apologized if she made mistakes in her time as student. These mistakes will be used as lessons in the future so that they can reflect the noble values that have been taught during lectures.

“All the things we gain, of course, we will use them in our lives after graduation, in accordance with the Excellence with Morality value that UNAIR instills,” she added.

She did not forget to thank her family and friends as her greatest source of support. The Master of Immunology graduate also expressed her appreciation for all UNAIR academicians who have helped graduates complete their education.

“Parents, spouses, friends, what would we have done without you, your support is indispensable. We promise to be like you in the future, ” she said.

Faith advised all graduates to turn weaknesses into strengths and sources of motivation. Faith promised to keep trying to be the best.

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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