UNAIR Faculty of Veterinary Medicine lecturers hold community service in Jambangan, Surabaya

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Facemask distribution to Jambangan Surabaya. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease-19) caused by SARS-Cov-2 has spread throughout the world. Various methods have been taken to stop and control the spread of the virus, including lockdowns, social distancing, frequent hand washing with soap, using masks, use of hand sanitizers and environmental disinfection by mass spraying. The implementation of this policy is enforced in all sectors of community activity, in offices, markets, mosques, schools, universities, villages, tourism spots, airports, stations, plazas and travel agents’.

To support this effort, UNAIR Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) lecturers have recently implemented a community service program in Jambangan Village, Jambangan Sub-district, Surabaya City themed “Community Empowerment of Jambangan Village, Jambangan Sub-district, Surabaya to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19” . This community service activity was initiated by Dr. Jola Rahmahani, M.Kes., Drh and Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, drh.

Asked by UNAIR NEWS team on Sunday, November 29, 2020, Doctor Jola conveyed the form of community service was by giving an explanation of Covid-19, how it is transmitted and spread and how measures should be made by individuals and people in the surrounding environment to be safe from Covid-19 outbreak.

She also added, community empowerment was carried out on how to make facemasks which is one of the requirements for personal protective equipment to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. With the community being able to make their own masks, they can save their money and can actually increase the income of housewives from selling facemask during the Covid pandemic.

“In this implementation, all participants were given pre-test and post-test questions where pre-test questions were answered before listening to the material online, while post-test questions were answered after the material exposure was complete. The first presentation was about the Covid-19 virus, the second presentation was on how to prevent Covid-19, and the last presentation was empowerment to the community on how to make facemasks from the correct cloth to prevent Covid-19 transmission. The making of this cloth facemask was demonstrated by playing a video of cloth facemask making,” explained Doctor Jola.

In this activity, facemasks were also delivered to the community in Jambangan Village, Jambangan Sub-district, Surabaya City.

“With this Community Service on Covid-19, hopefully, Jambangan community will understand better about the dangers of the Covid-19 virus and know and understand the importance of health protocols against Covid-19, how to prevent Covid-19, in putting on facemasks, washing hands, and maintain safe distance between individuals, ” she concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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